Chapter 7

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Louis POV

month 7

   "HARRY!" Luke screams as he storms into our house, waddling in with his hands on his hips as his five month bump leading the way. I panic as of course Harry had chosen this moment to go out for a walk with Liam around the block. I glance over at Zayn and Niall to see they have the same look of panic written on their faces. Pausing the game quickly I go towards Luke with Zayn while Niall sends out SOS messages to Harry and Liam. "Hey Luke, Harry just stepped out for a mo... is everything okay bud?" Zayn starts as the two of us descend the stairs leading from our game room only to soften his expression when we saw the poor boy.

   "N-No, I-I-I'm obvi-ously n-not okay Z-Zayn!" He pouts as he crosses his arms in front of his tummy as he looked up at us with tears streaming from his eyes. 'Alright love, how about we sit down and chat? Zayn could you make us some tea while wait for Harry to get home?' I ask slowly opening my arms to accept the wailing pregnant boy into a hug. Zayn nods and quickly dashes out of the room while I guide Luke to a chair. Hiccuping dreadfully he angrily wipes his eyes as he slowly lowers himself onto a chair. I give him a moment to calm his hiccups and let him lean into my side as I wrap a comforting arm around his shoulders.

   'You ready to tell me whats got you so upset love?' I ask gently as I really don't want to cause another meltdown before Harry gets back. "No, you wouldn't u-understand." he whispered  looking down at his bump. 'Thats true that I might not understand nor will I pretend I do but it is always nice, at least I always find it nice, to just be able to vent. I'm willing to be the person you vent to if it'd make you feel better. But I understand if you just want to be held while we wait on Harry return and I shall continue to hold you if that is what you wish.' I say giving him a reassuring squeeze. Letting out a long sigh he leans into me further mumbling something under his breath. 'Sorry love, did quite catch that.' I say, Zayn brings in our tea at that exact moment. He sets down the tea in front of us quickly before scurrying out of the room.

   "...I just don't feel like myself anymore." Luke say after a beat of silence, I nod trying to think of a way to respond on such little information. Slowly I pull away and make his tea to his liking before leaning back in my seat. Handing him his tea I resume the position I was in 'I think I'm going to need you to elaborate on that a bit more if you want me to give you a good response.' I tell him flashing him a reassuring smile as to make sure he doesn't take my comment as a mocking. "I just feel like an ugly cow whose pretty much useless, I mean I'm only five months in and I can barely walk over here without getting winded how am I going to be able to do anything when I'm about to pop. Plus everywhere hurts all the time and no matter how many times I get someone to give me a massage or how long I rest for I'm still in pain. Not only that but my poor husbands are stuck with this sorry excuse and because they're too kind for their own good, they'd never leave me because now their tied to me because of these kids. A-And... and I-I..." he broke into a fit of sobs before he could even finish his thought.

   I felt hopeless as I wrap him tighter in my arms as I know all of what he says about the boys being stuck with him, making them feel trapped, and no longer loving him are all lies but I'm afford nothing I can say would convince him. 'Oh Luke, none of that is true your boys love you with all of their hearts. Have you told Michael, Calum, and Ashton how you're feeling?' I ask as this definitely seems like something he's been thinking about for awhile. Sniffling into his sleeve he shakes his head no, confirming what I already thought was true. 'Have these thoughts been going on for awhile?' I ask getting a tear filled nod in response. Before I can ask another question the front door burst open with a panting Harry standing in it with Liam at his side. "Oh Lukey, hun whats going on? Lou whats going on?" Harry asks as he waddles towards us while Liam walks right besides him to make sure he doesn't trip as he hurried towards us. 'Just having a bad day and he could use some of your magic cuddles.' I say trying not to worry my expectant husband anymore than necessary. "Oh Lukey, come here..." Harry says taking my spot on the couch and cuddling the sobbing Luke in his arms. I pull Liam aside into the other room as soon as the two of them are settled on the couch. Making sure we were out of their earshot I whisper to Liam...

   'Li, I think we should call Mic, Cal, and Ash I think Luke's depressed.'

Hello World,

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