Chapter 2

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4 1/2 months pregnant

Liams POV

     Me and the boys have an interview with the BBC radio this morning, then we have a surprise for Harry that won't be arriving until later. He thinks we have interviews all day hence why we won't be home until 9:00 o'clock. As Harry gets ready for his day, we get started with ours. Thankfully its a Friday so Harry won't be home from school until 6 so we aren't leaving him on his own for too long. "Bye boys!" Harry shouts from the front door as he's about to make his exit when he gets caught. "Harry wait!" Louis shouts as we all run to the front door. "Are you feeling okay?" He asks, "Did you take your prenatal medicines this morning?"I ask next, "How the babies?" Zayn follows, "Banana or yogurt?" Niall asks holding both items in his hands. We had recently found out that instead of being blessed with one baby were having three! So with the news we've definitely become a bit more protective. Harry smiles at our concern, while he rapidly answers our questions "I feel amazing this morning thank you for asking, yes I did like I do every morning, babies are fine I felt them moving around this morning letting me know their healthy and strong, and I'll take both. Now that all the questions are done I really have to leave or else I'll be late. Love you, see you at nine." he gives us each a kiss and races out of the house. 'Well boys, we better get going or else we'll be late for the interview.' I say and we make our two hour journey to BBC radio station.

   "So guys, you've recently blown up the internet with your amazing news but for the few people who haven't heard, could you share it again." the interviewer and one of our close friends Nick Grimshaw  asks, "We'd be happy to! Our high school sweetheart and husband of two years is expecting triplets." Louis beams. "Thats amazing! Congratulations, how far along is he?" Nick asks with a smile, "He's four and a half months" Niall says with a huge smile on his face. "How are you four feeling about this? I mean your about to become dads, are you scared?", 'We're extremely excited about the news, yeah we're a bit nervous about becoming dad's but with Harry by our side I know we'll be fine.' I say with confidence. "Nice, what will the baby call you five?", "Harry's Mom, I'm Dadda, Liams Daddy, Nialls Papa, and Zayn is Poppy." Louis explains. Nick lets out a chuckle and says "Of course Daddy Direction is Daddy. Have you thought of names? Do you even know the genders yet?", "No not yet and we don't have anything set in stone for their name but we each have suggested a name to each other."(Zayn), "Does Harry have final say?"Nick asks giving us a quirked eyebrow as he knows were whipped, "Hell ya, he's the one carrying them around for ten months and then having to push them out. Whatever he says goes." Louis says in a serious tone. "Good answer! Right thats all the time we have for the day, this is Nick Grimshaw from BBC radio see you tomorrow!" After he finishes the on air sign turns off and we make our way back to our car. "That was a stupid question of course whatever Harry says goes he's the one doing 99% of the work!" Louis starts off on a tangent when we start our drive home.

   Two hours, two hours Louis has been going of on this tangent with Niall joining in talking about how stupid that question was. I agree the question was stupid but you don't see me going off on a two hour long rant about it. We pull into the driveway and make the house ready for Harry's surprise. At five we all pile back into the car and start the drive towards the airport knowing it takes an hour to get there and their flight lands at 6. We get there and make our way to the waiting area. The first thing we see is the bright red hair and we knew we found them. "Hey guys!" Niall says as he makes his way over to our very good friends Aston, Luke, Michael, and Calum Irwin. They all decided to take Aston's last name after they got married because he was the one to propose. "OH MY GOODNESS HI!!!! Oh I missed you guys, congratulations daddies! Harry doesn't know we're here does he? You better not have ruined my surprise." Luke says as he gives each of us a bear hug, "Its not everyday I get to surprise my pregnant bestie!", 'Don't worry Luke he has absolutely no idea that you were coming, let alone you guys are moving into the house thats across the street from us.' I tell him. We finish our greetings and gather up the luggage taking it to the car. 

   We get home, opening the door Ni shouts "BABE WHERE ARE YOU?" as we hurried the boys in the house. "Family room" we hear him call back and make our way towards him only to be met with one of the cutest sights ever. It was Harry with his hair up in a bun, sweats, and his box framed glasses. He lays on the couch knaughing at a pencil tip as he comes up with his lesson plan for next week, using his little bump to help hold up his papers completely in his own world. "How was your day babe?" Niall, "Great, everything flowed like a perfect harmony..... Thats what we can talk about on Wednesday, perfect!" he answers writing down his plan for his Wednesday lesson. "That's good to hear hun!" Luke says causing Harry to immediately stop and look up, knowing that there is only one person who calls him that. "oh my gosh. OH MY GOSH! HI!! What are you four doing here?" Harry asks with a huge smile on his face, getting up from the couch with a bit of a struggle and makes his way towards Luke. "Well, I just had to tell my bestie congrats in person and the fact that we just bought the house across the street." Luke says with a smirk, "Really?" Harry asks in disbelief, "Really." Michael says. "Thats not all, tell them your other news Lukey." Calum says making all of us confused. What other news? "I'm Pregnant! Two months to be precise with only two babies." Luke states "Oh my gosh, really?" Harry asks getting teary eyed, "Yup" Luke says and they both start to cry while hugging each other. "Thank goodness, its so much easier to go through something when you have someone that understands!" Harry says sobbing, "I know I have so many questions like seriously when does the morning sickness stop and is it bad that I already feel like its harder to get up?" Luke says sobbing into Harry. Harry dries his tears and answers Lukes questions "soon and yes its normal. Oh Luke I'm so happy for you!" Harry then leads him over to the couch proceeding to talk about pregnancy things while he rubs his now more predominant bump.

   If this was how the next several months will be like, its gonna be long.       

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