Chapter 11

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Nialls POV

Month 10

   I quietly tapped on our bedroom door as I opened it only to feel my heart shatter. My poor Hazza is curled practically into a ball in the center of our bed with a washcloth over his brow. He hasn't been feeling good since yesterday and it seems he's only getting worse. As quietly as I can I make my way towards the bed after shutting the door and plunging the room back into darkness. 'love, I brought you some water and some broth, you should try to eat it.' I whisper into the darkness only to get a groan in reply. Setting the tray I brought with me onto the bedside table I gently made my way behind him to spoon him, curving one hand under his belly for support and the other gently wrapped around his chest.

   He slowly wiggled back further into me before letting out a sigh of what I hope is relief. As I was about to mention the soup again he sucked in a shallow breath and placed a death grip onto my forearm, letting out a growl like sound. My eyes widen drastically as I feel his stomach tight in my hand, hold for thirty seconds then release. Right when his tummy loosened so did his grip. Swallowing I instantly realize whats going on and try desperately to keep my voice steady 'Hazza, love how long have you been in labor?' I ask trying to keep a calm facade as I slowly get out of bed. Making my way over to be in front of him he responses "Since last night." with his face twisting up in pain as he tries to shift into a more comfortable position.

   I feel my blood run cold as now is definitely not a good time for these babies to be coming. It's just the two of us in the house! Li and Lou are in the middle of an interview while Z is out filming a commercial for Calvin Klein. 'Okay, okay, love I think it's about time we head to the hospital.' I say walking towards the closet to grab the hospital bag. "Noooo.... not...yet" he said as another contraction rippled through him. I quickly make my way back over to him and hold out my arms so he can brace himself as the contraction takes it's course. His grip once again loosened after thirty second before he collapsed into the bed. 'Yes sunshine, your contraction seem to be seven minutes apart that means we have to go.' I say gently helping him out of bed while he continued to grumble. Slowly but surely we made our way down the stairs and into the car, thankfully only having to take a contraction break once.

    Sprinting around the car after I get him settled we make our way to the hospital. The car ride seemed to drag on for hours as we stop at every red-light and slow down due to a car accident. Pulling up front to the hospital we've already lost minute between the contractions, I run into the hospital to grab a nurse and a wheel chair before getting Harry out of the car. The nurse introduced herself as Alyssa to Harry as we helped him into the chair. She wheeled him into the hospital taking us through to the maternity/paternity floor. As we wheeled by the nurses station she asked for two of the nurses to fallow her. 

   We were quickly placed into a room, she stepped out to give Harry some privacy as he gets changed from his pajamas into the hospital gown. It took a few minutes as we had to take two contraction breaks before we allowed the nurses back in. "Hello darling, I'll be your nurse for the delivery my name is Mandy. Would you mind if I take a peak to see how far dilated you are?" Mandy asked, she looked maybe to be in her mid to late forties rocking a pair of delivery stork patterned scrubs with her greying brown hair tied tightly into a bun that sat upon her head. Harry nodded as he reached out for my hand, I whispered sweet nothings into his ear trying to distract him from what was going on down below.

   "Well Harry you seem to be six centimeters dilated, only four more to go darling. Is there anyone we can call for you to let them know we'll be expecting some babies later today?" Mandy  asked as she delicately removed his legs from the leg-supports and back onto the mattress. Harry looked like he was about to decline her offer but a contraction took over his body causing him to tighten his hold on my hand. 'Could you call our husbands please? Their names are Zayn, Louis, and Liam they're numbers should be on his medical forms. Also his mom Anne, hers should also be on his file.' I ask she gives a small smile before nodding, just as she leaves the contraction lets up.

  "You shouldn't... have asked her.. to call.... themmmmm!" Harry grumbled as he worked through the contraction which is now lasting for forty-five seconds. I roll my eyes as of course he doesn't want to disturb our husbands while they were at work due to him being in pain. 'Sunshine, we're going to be having our babies soon of course we need to call them. You don't want them to miss it do you?' I ask brushing his hair off his forehead while he squeezes my hand. "N-Noooooooo!" he groaned holding out the O as he rode out the contraction 'Well then sunshine we've gotta give them a call so they'll be here.' I say placing a kiss on his brow watching him dose off as we waited for the next contraction.

Hello World,

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Some of you are saying you want me to write longer labors so its now coming in two parts. Next chapter I promise they will be born and I will reveal their names. However the 5SOS babies still need names, so comment some down below! Feel free to vote, comment, follow me, read my other Z.H.C.MP stories, or do all four!

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