Chapter 1

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3 months

Louis POV

     "Is everyone ready?" Liam asks, "Yep" me, Niall, and Zayn respond in unison. "Okay post in three... two... one... now" Liam counts us down and we immediately post on all our 1D accounts. "Now all we have to do is wait to see how the world responds." Zayn says calmly as he leans back on the head board. 'What happens if they don't take it well? What will we tell Harry?' I ask, "Lou, they won't take it bad and we won't have to tell Haz anything he'll see it for himself." Liam says as he cuddles into me. "True but what if he gets mad?" Niall asks, "We take it and blame it on his hormones." Zayn says tucking Niall under his arm. Lets hope the fans take the news well... lets hope Harry takes the news well.

    By the time 2:30 rolls around our news is everywhere! Our phones are blowing up with congratulations and well wishes from fans. Our agent calls us up saying that everyone want an interview and he's already booked us up with interviews for the next two months. "GUYS, we're on E News come watch!" Liam says from the couch in the living room, we make our way over and he hits resume. "BREAKING NEWS E LISTENERS! Zayn, Niall, Liam, and Louis the members of one direction just announced that their husband is expecting! Congrats boys we cant wait to hear more about Baby Direction! This has been Jess with your E News scoop!" He turns off the TV and we start to respond to all the comments, giving them our thanks with promises to keep them updated. That is if Harry lets us, you see Harrys extremely camera shy and hates it when the attention is all on him. We also left out a bit of a surprise for our fans and that is that our wonderful husband is carrying three babies instead of one.

   Time flew by because the next thing we here is the front door unlock and the sound of our gorgeous husbands voice. "I'm home!" Harry shouts from the front hall, "We're in the family room!" Niall shouts back. Walking in he gives us a smile followed by a kiss on each of our foreheads as he makes his way to the kitchen. 'How was work love?' I ask as he starts to prepare dinner, "It was great! I was congratulated by my fellows after I made the announcement, I'm all good to start my maternity leave when the time comes, all my classes ran smoothly even after I told them the great news, the after school choir is coming along quite nicely with their harmonies, and we just had our first rehearsal for the school musical which was amazing. Honestly I couldn't have asked for a better day!" He says with a beaming smile while he stirs his homemade Sunday sauce and puts his remade dough into a bread pan so we can have fresh homemade bread with our pasta.

   "Thats great hun! Would you like any help? it sounds like your feet could use a break." Liam asks with a gentle expression on his face. "If you boys would set the table that would be a huge help." he tells us as he finishes making the salad. "Of course but are you sure we cant do anything else?" Niall asks "Positive!" Harry says with a smile on his face as he puts the salad bowl into Zayn's hands to be set on the table. Once we finish setting the table we go back into the kitchen to see Harry getting everything ready to move over to the table so we can eat. He was about to lift the heavy sauce pot when I ran over and stopped him ' I got it love' "thanks" he says as he places a kiss on my cheek. Liam grabs the bread dish as Zayn grabs the bowl full of spaghetti. Niall not having anything to grab opts for entangling his arm around Harry's waist claiming its practice for when he needs help getting around earning a giggle and playful smack from Harry. We all sit and dish up our own plates full of Harry's amazing dinner, then came the dreaded question from Harry.

   "So what were you four up to today?" Harry asks with a kind smile on his face as our smiles dropped as fear coursed through us. The whole plan of us sharing the news earlier was so that we wouldn't have to see Harrys initial reaction to us putting him in the spot light. "Um well... you see..." Liam starts us, "We might have been... informing the world..."Zayn continues 'Our wonderful news!' I finish we wait for him to explode but it never comes. "Oh thats good!" He says as he takes another bite from his salad. "You aren't upset?" Niall asks in disbelief, "No, not in the slightest. I'm actually surprised you guys didn't announced it sooner but I'm glad you decided to wait until I hit four months, which is today so thank you boys for waiting!" Harry says, "Really?" Liam asks dumbfounded, "Really, it's only fair for you guys to share with your fans because I get to share the news with my students. I know what I signed up for when I said I do" Harry says with a kind smile. 'Thank god' I let out a sigh of relief earning a giggle from him in response, "but if you boys want to stay on my good side you'll do the dishes." Harry tells us making us nod our heads vigorously while taking all the dishes to the sink.

   Once all the dishes are cleaned and put away we make our way up to our room to be met with the sweetest sight. It was Harry standing in front of a mirror shirtless rubbing the little bump on his tummy up and down, all while talking to the babies. We quietly make our way into the room trying our best not to disturb him as he's in his own world, with the babies being the only thing that mattered in it. The floors make a creaking sound as Niall gets on the bed, snapping Harry out of his own little world making his focus switching over to us. "Sorry babe, we didn't mean to disturb you." Zayn says as Harry makes his way over towards the bed. "Its okay loves, we were running out of things to talk about anyways." He says as he makes his way into the middle of the bed as all of us cuddle into him when he becomes comfortable. We all say our good nights to each other.

    While falling asleep with the four of our hands on Harrys bump.

Hello World,

 I hope you enjoy this new book! What do you think? How many babies should they have? What should the baby or babies be?

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