Chapter 5

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Month 6

Louis POV

   "Good morning, happy Halloween loves!" Harry said as he turns around to face us from the stove showing off his adorable Winnie the Pooh costume. This year he asked his students what we all should be and they suggested we go as Winnie the Pooh and the gang. With today being Friday he's hosting a halloween party both at home and for his kids, honestly the amount of energy this boy has is amazing he really should have been Tigger.  But alas in the eyes of Harrys students he has to be the star of the show making him Winnie. "Good morning darlings!" (Liam) 'Morning babies!' (myself) "G'morning sunshines!" (Niall) "Morning sweethearts!" (Zayn) we all greet as we walk over to place a kiss on his cheek. "The bloody cinnamon buns are ready and the coffees brewed. I've got to head out now and before you ask any questions the answer to all of them is yes if they involve me or the babies. Have fun today boys I'll see you at four, hopefully in your costumes!" he says as he makes his way to the front door, blowing us one final kiss he's out to start his day. 

   "Alright boys we've got twenty minutes before we need to get to school so let's go get dressed." Liam says shortly after we finish our coffee. Harry didn't know he was in for a surprise today as we're coming to crash his party. We talked to the headmistress and sorted everything out without Harry suspecting a thing. Niall, Zayn, and I were quick to change into our costumes considering their onesies. Niall was voted by the kids to be tigger, Zayn was voted to be Eeyore and I was voted to be piglet... cause I'm the smallest. Liam however has to get dressed into actual clothes as he is going as Christopher Robins and were bringing in a bunch of red balloons for all the kids to be able to take one home. "Guys lets go! We're gonna be late!" Niall practically whined at the bottom of the stairs. Roll my eyes as I give myself one final look in the mirror I smooth out my hair for the final time and race down the stairs. Quickly the four of us run to the car and hop in hoping to get there on time as we are cutting it close. 

Nialls Costume

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Nialls Costume

Nialls Costume

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Zayns Costume

Louis Costume

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Louis Costume

Liams Costume

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Liams Costume

   "Glad you boys could make it! I'm sure the children will be pleased to see that you made good on your promise." The headmistress Miss Sullivan says as she greets us at the gates of the school. 'Thanks again for allowing us to come in!' I say shaking her hand trying to act professional even though I'm in a costume for children. "Its my pleasure, Harry is a wonderful and extremely vital part of our school. If we didn't have him I'm sure this school would resemble a prison without the joy he brings. The least I could do was allow his four husbands to come surprise him on halloween." she says smiling kindly at us as she leads us down the corridors. We make sure to not run into any kids as we knew if one of them saw us our cover would have been blown.

   Ever since Harry was hired here they implemented one of his many ideas and turned Halloween into a fun day. The entire day kids get to bounce from room to room doing fun halloween theme crafts or short lessons in their costume instead of their uniforms. Making sure each hall way was clear we make one final turn before finally reaching his door adorably decorated in cute halloween decorations as he's never been a fan of the gory side of halloween, Miss Sullivan told us to wait outside while she gathered the rooms attention, making sure to stay hidden we let her walk in and wait patiently for our cue. "Mr. Styles did the boys dress up with you this year?" We heard Miss Sullivan say, hearing our cue we calmly walk in before Harry could even answer.  "Of course we did Miss Sullivan!" (Niall) "Our Hazza told us his wonderful students picked our halloween costumes." (Liam) "And who are we to deny such a request." (Zayn) 'Especially when he gives us his kitten eyes, there's no saying no to our Hazzy!' (myself) we say having practiced our lines before we got to school making our entrance very smooth.

   Harry and the children sat stunned as they stare at us trying to decipher if we're really here or not. Harry was the first to break his stupor, quickly (or as quickly as he can with his large bump) stands up and waddles over to us engulfing us in a hug. The kids were quick to follow while Miss Sullivan stood off to the side watching the sweet moment. I was pulled out my of thoughts when I heard a sniffle come from my neck. 'Hazzy, baby? Whats wrong? Why are you crying?' I ask trying not to panic as I know its most likely his hormones getting the better of him and not something bad. "I'm just happy! I didn't know you guys were coming and this is super sweet of you four to do." he says wiping away his tears as he giggles at himself for getting so emotional. Trying our hardest we end up failing as we coo over his sweetness, "We wouldn't wanna be any where else darling. As long as we're with you and our little ones we're as happy as can be." Liam says causing tears to well up in his green eyes once again...

   And once again we failed to hold back our coo's.

Hello World,

I hope hope you enjoyed this chapter! HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Did you guess I would be doing a halloween themed chapter in this story? What did you think? Do you think the boys were costumed correctly? Just a reminder that in this story men are pregnant for ten months while women are only pregnant for nine. Feel free to leave name suggestions in the comments. This is probably going to be one of my shorter stories but I hope you still enjoy it!


Winnie the Pooh:




Christopher Robins:

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