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Thanks for reading!

Long one to account for the wait :)

Violet felt the buzz of hysteria well up in her breast as she looked down hopelessly at her beaten husband. Apart from the previous moan of pain he had shown no indication of consciousness or waking up and she could freely admit to herself that she had no idea of what to do to help him. He looked so helpless lying on the blood-smudged floor and unfortunately it seemed as though all his hopes of recovery lay with Violet.

Attempting to take some soothing breaths that quickly turned into sobs of despair, she tried to work out a course of action. Steeling herself and shakily getting to her feet, she decided that she could not allow William to lie on the floor like an old rug.

Tentatively she grasped his boots and began to drag him inch by inch into their bedroom, cursing the fact that her husband was at least two feet taller than her and probably twice as heavy.

Finally after her forehead was covered with a film of sweat, she had managed to pull William into their room and place him next to the bed. Violet almost began to cry once more as she realised it would be almost impossible for her to heave her husband onto it alone.

At that moment their chamber door swung open and a harassed looking maid bustled in, completely ignoring the extremely dishevelled Violet standing right beside her.

“Oh thank god you are here!” Violet exclaimed ignoring her odd behaviour “My husband and I have been taken prisoner-” however the woman cut her off by holding up a hand.

“Save ye breath ma’am,” she stated “I work fer Lord Phillip. He has instructed that ye be extended every courtesy and all ye requests met, but ye won’t be getting any rescuing from anyone that come to attend ye”

“Are you aware that what you and whoever else works for him are committing treason?” Violet demanded incensed at the woman’s casual attitude

“I don’t see how cleanin’ ye rooms and runnin’ you a bath is treason m’Lady” the maid shrugged

“You are allowing me to be kept prisoner!” Violet shrieked, the combination of wrath and fear making it difficult for her to be rational. This woman could have helped her, she could have merely sent a note or delivered a message to Amelia and this nightmare would have been over. She felt white-hot fury course through her veins as she balled her fists.

“I’m not allowin’ nothing” the woman sighed stepping over William as she made the bed and not giving him a second look.

This was the last straw for Violet as she stalked towards the unfortunate woman with murder in her eyes.


Phillip could hardly believe his ears as he gazed incredulously at his servant, Hopps.

“I do not believe I heard you correctly” he began slowly, furrowing his brow and crossing his arms over his chest.

“Y-Yes sire, Lady Harlington attacked the woman and threw her out of the rooms”

“Did she say anything?” Phillip demanded

“Only that if the maid were ever to return, she would scratch her eyes out” Hopps replied looking terrified of both this apparent madwoman and his master’s reaction to the news. Phillip appraised him in silence for a moment before sighing and uncrossing his arms.

“See that the maid is replaced” he ordered and turned to close the door

“But sire!” Hopps spluttered, “None of the maids you have in your employ will go near her rooms…”

A Fine Line (Being Rewritten into The Pursuit of a King)Where stories live. Discover now