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I am so sorry for the wait! As I have said A Fine Line is happening during the timeline of Unlikely Endings. One more chapter of this and then the rest of William and Violet's relationship shall be explained in the last chapter of UE

enjoy the adult themes

“Oh” Violet whispered looking down and wringing her hands.

“Does my answer not please you?” William demanded turning away from her to look pointedly out the window. A storm was brewing, thunder rumbling in the distance and he was a fool confessing his feelings yet another time. It seemed he must enjoy the punishment. Even in the most extreme of situations, when they were both potentially facing their deaths, how could he believe her answer would change?

He started when he felt her hand on his shoulder, yet he could not bring himself to turn and look at her.

“Your answer does please me” Violet replied almost inaudibly, trailing her fingertips across his shoulder blades, igniting his blood.

Still it seemed she did not know what her effect was on him even after all this time. William found it hard to focus on anything but her touch, tortured by both her rejection and his unfulfilled lust for her.

He wished he had not been so eager for her on their wedding night, he wished he had made her beg desperately for the ecstasy he would give her, until she did not know her own mind. But how was he to know? He was an idiot in love and believed her to love him too.

Violet continued to stroke her fingers across his spine while she attempted to gather the words she wished to say. She marvelled at how muscular her husband was, tracing every definition and fighting the bubbling of lust within her. William’s unconscious sigh of contentment brought her a strange sense of satisfaction.

For now, her hands spoke what her mouth could not. Tentatively she reached out and circled her arms around his waist, pressing her cheek against his back and bracing herself for his rejection. Violet was surprised to feel him lean back and relax against her and she clutched him tighter.

For reasons she could not explain, she wanted anxiously to be close to him, but did not want to utter the wrong words and see him become cold towards her once more.

William was struggling to control himself. In all of their time together Violet had never given him a kind word or gesture, yet now she clutched him like a loving wife. This was all that he had dared hope for and had constantly been denied. His body raged for him to turn around and claim her, wherever their skin touched his nerves erupted with sparks.

The object of his deepest desire now sat pressed up against him, yet he could not bring himself to do what the yearning within him bid him to.

He was terrified that this moment between them would abruptly end. Though he wanted more with every fibre of his being, having her arms around him thus was better than nothing. Silence fell between them and he could not bear it. Hesitantly he reached for her hands clasped around his middle and took them in his own, stroking his thumb across her wrist.

This seemed to spur her to speak.

“William” she began and he revelled in the feeling of her breath fanning out over his skin.

“No one has ever spoken to me as you have…I have never – I have never borne witness to a true declaration of love in my entire life. My mother and father saw me merely as a pawn – a tool. Other men - ” she felt him stiffen yet she continued

“Others saw me merely as an object of lust…I do not know what I am trying to say!” she said in exasperation. Her fingers unconsciously intertwined with William’s.

“…Sometimes I fear I am terrible” Violet continued quietly “No, I know that I am terrible. You may think that I do not know I am being cruel or monstrous, but I do William it is simply that I do not care. That is what frightens me most. I fear I am a devil of my own making. I do not know love, how can I? I am frightened of you because I do not understand you or the feelings you have for me”

William had never heard her speak this way and he was petrified of moving or speaking, lest he should break the spell that had held them together. However, he realised that she was waiting for him to respond.

“Well perhaps you are a devil,” he grinned more out of joy than spite. He heard her indignant gasp and she pulled her fingers from his grip.

“But you are my devil my dear. I would not love you half as much if you were meek and kind and good, for I am none of those things. But the question does still remains as to whether you love me or not”

He turned around to face her, cupping her cheek in his palm. He stroked a thumb across her delicate cheekbone. The sight of her sitting before him overwhelmed William. Her skin, pale and flawless, her hair wrapped in golden curls elegantly draped across her shoulders, but most of all the orbs of her eyes glittering up at him.

“But for now my love” he amended, his eyes darkening with need for her “I find that I do not care”

He crushed his lips to hers, delighting in their softness and the way she hungrily returned the kiss. The knowledge that she wanted him so was the greatest thrill he had ever experienced. He could not resist a grin when she pulled him closer until they were pressed flush together, the feel of her body against his all he had ever wanted. She sighed in pleasure as he ran his palms up her sides, pushing her back onto the bed without breaking their embrace.

William had imagined this scenario so many times he could not be sure now that it was truly real. Violet’s quiet moans and sighs of pleasure were almost driving him to the brink and he struggled desperately to take his time and savour each second of this sweet torture.

He could not bring himself to delicately fiddle with the ties of her dress, but merely ripped it from her shoulders kissing her with a new desperation.

Violet was surprised at the violent way her usually passive husband rid her of her clothing. However, the hunger with which he looked at her now was maddening, sending lust to cloud out all other thoughts. This sudden dominance and aggression appealed to her darker senses and sent a pang of longing shooting through her.

“Oh…William” she sighed as he trailed kisses down her neck, pausing to softly bite where her neck met her shoulder. She writhed frantically beneath him as he sank lower taking a breast in his mouth, teasing her mercilessly. Aching for fulfilment she dragged her hands down his chest and furiously pulled at the laces of his breeches crying out with delight when material no longer served as a barrier between them.

He pressed himself up against her so that she could feel all of him pulsing beneath her core, a slight tilt of his hips all that was needed to join them.

“Violet” William groaned his voice hoarse with need “Do you want me?”

She gritted her teeth in aggravation, half mad with yearning. He smirked and ground his hips against her, eliciting a yelp of pleasure and irritation.

“Tell me you want me”

“God…please” she gasped digging her fingernails into his back “Yes William, please I want you”

He gave a triumphant chuckle before he pressed his lips back to hers, entering her as he did so. She groaned his name and pushed her hips up to meet his strokes, waves of pleasure intensified by the feel of his ragged breath on her neck. Violet reached up and entangled her hands in his hair pulling his mouth down to meet hers once more. With each thrust he pushed her closer to the abyss and she rushed towards it without hesitation. Finally she cried out his name, feeling her muscles contract around him before he too released himself inside of her. He collapsed beside her and she watched the rapid rise and fall of his chest.

She felt suddenly empty without the feeling of his heated skin against hers. William was shocked when she rolled over and nestled into his chest, throwing an arm across his stomach possessively. In truth, he had expected Violet to immediately shut down and immediately regret sleeping with him yet the way she clung to him now fed his desperate hopes.

Her eyelids fluttered closed and a wave of contentment washed over him.

He had never thought he would be this happy.

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