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Violet licked her lips in anticipation.

What she was about to do would certainly catch the attention of her inattentive husband. Henry was now striding purposefully towards her with a gleam in his eye and she relished being the object of his scorching gaze. As he neared she felt a tremor of excitement and drank in his striking features.

William standing beside her seemed to disappear into the very air.

“My Lady…”

“Lady Violet” she purred tilting her shoulders back to offer him a view of her décolletage. “Duchess of Rington”

He grinned rapaciously and took her hand in his, placing a lingering kiss on the back of it and sending a blush to her cheeks. Violet’s mouth was dry and her thoughts were positively sinful.

A glance at her unfortunate sister sent her pleasure levels to dizzying heights. Amelia’s jealousy had always rejuvenated her in the most wicked of ways. When all eyes fell on her and Henry, she felt happiness so acute she thought she would burst.

“Well Duchess, you have travelled far indeed for the wedding of a man you have never met, I am honoured” he grinned. Oh that she had met him before, before she had been shackled to her bore of a husband.

“Oh I could not miss it” she beamed “The wedding of one’s sister is an important event” he seemed momentarily surprised at the fact that she was Amelia’s sister.

William who could not speak until he was introduced or addressed was shaking with rage. His wife stood inches from him, coquettishly responding to this villain’s advances and he was powerless. He did not want to look at Violet and see the way she gazed wistfully at this other man.

It was pathetic really. She was so desperate for the affirmation of others that she would completely humiliate both herself and her sister without a second thought. Additionally she was doing it all under his nose in an attempt to incense him! William clenched his fists and looked desperately around for an excuse to leave Violet to her ridiculous ways.

“Lady Violet would you accompany me on a tour of the gardens?” Henry smirked “They are beautiful at night and it would be an honour for me to take you on a tour”

William could not help but smile smugly to himself. Though Violet was desperate for notice she would never stoop to those levels of impropriety. Traipsing through the dark grounds of the castle with a man that was not her husband? She would never.

“Indeed” she inclined her head elegantly in acquiescence. Henry sensuously slipped his arm through hers and gave her a look that suggested he wanted to do much more with her once they were away from prying eyes.

Violet’s slight uneasiness was quelled by the pounding of her heart in response to his touch. She did not know how far she would allow Henry’s affections to progress, enough to leave him completely enraptured with her that was for certain.

William could only stare in absolute amazement as his alluring wife strode alongside the future King towards the gardens. He was struck by the notion that while he was aware that his wife did not like him, she must truly hate him to humiliate him in such a manner.

He stared at the back of her head as though the intensity of his gaze would cause her to turn around and return to him. However she did not stop but faded into the darkness with Henry. William experienced an acute sensation of hurt and mortification as he felt the eyes of the room swivel to regard his wife and her inappropriate behaviour.

“Is that?” his friends Count William Denning and Rowan York the Viscount of Urich sidled over.

The trio had been the most eligible bachelors of the last season. William had foolishly jumped at the chance to attach himself to Violet and now envied the others their bachelorhood and freedom.

A Fine Line (Being Rewritten into The Pursuit of a King)Where stories live. Discover now