Final Decisions

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Violet woke up for the first time without the usual stab of anxiety that dominated her waking consciousness. Her eyes trailed across her husband’s sleeping profile, she was still nestled against his chest and could imagine being in no other place. She marvelled at how handsome he was; his strong jaw, straight nose, and defined cheekbones forming the image of perfection that now lay before her. This strong and striking man loved her. The thought brought her a flush of pleasure and pride with a slight prick of fear.

She could feel her own feelings growing for the man that slept beside her and she was not quite sure what to make of them. However one thing above all had become clear, she could not lie to William any longer, she would confess all that Phillip had threatened and offered to her. Violet was enjoying this newfound penchant for honesty that she discovered in herself.

“As much as I enjoy your company, you watching me sleep is quite unsettling,” William murmured, a grin spreading across his features. Violet blushed and made to pull away but he opened his eyes and held her tight to his side once more.

“Do not be ashamed” he chuckled “It is only natural to want me so badly that you cannot sleep”

“Oh you do love to flatter yourself do you not?” she laughed lightly slapping his arm. He feigned a wounded look before rolling over so that he hovered above her, his lips inches from her own.

“Am I mistaken then?” he asked as Violet’s breath caught in her throat “Do you not want me?”

He pressed his hips to hers and trailed kisses from the base of her neck and up to her jaw line. She could not stifle a moan as she felt him hard against her.

“Wait” she gasped breathily pushing him off. If she succumbed now she would never again gather the courage to tell him of Phillip’s plans and her involvement in them. It was though she had managed to amass all of her bravery and doubted her ability to do so again.

“Oh you will kill me!” William groaned reaching for her once more, yet she slapped him away.

“I have something I need to tell you” she said sternly manoeuvring out of his grasp “It is serious”

His smile left him as he noted the change in her manner. He sat up on his elbows and appraised her concernedly. As the blanket dipped lower down his toned abdomen, Violet struggled to keep her hands to herself.

“It is about Phillip” William’s eyes hardened and she saw a muscle twitch in his jaw. Hesitantly she glanced towards the window and fiddled with her fingers.

“Tell me”

“Last night he presented me with a proposal” she said quietly “he offered to marry me, to make me Queen should-”

William ripped off the coverlet and pulled on his breeches, not giving her a second look as he stormed into the sitting room. Violet darted after him, wrapping a sheet around herself as she did.

“William wait!” she cried, pausing in the doorway that separated the rooms and gripping the frame for support. Her husband sat on the settee glaring pointedly at the door opposite him, refusing to acknowledge her.

“Will you just listen to me?”

“Why?” he demanded turning to glare at her “You will accept won’t you? Everything you have ever wanted offered to you on a silver platter, why Violet you must be ecstatic” the sarcasm dripped from his icy words and cut her right to the core. She was shocked to feel the sting of tears in her eyes and clutched the sheet shielding her tighter.

“Please just listen to me” she begged, “You don’t understand, I need you to-”

“Do not worry yourself” he spat turning back to face the door “I will cause no scene between you and your new lover. Is that what the previous night was for? A consolation? A goodbye? That bastard is welcome to take you”

A Fine Line (Being Rewritten into The Pursuit of a King)Where stories live. Discover now