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Sorry about the slow updates…extra long chapter though! Now you have to forgive me ;)

Violet did not actually see the King fall; she was facing in the other direction, fixated on her husband dancing with another woman. She did however hear the screams of terror and shock that echoed the horrifying events of two nights ago.

She pushed past Phillip who was attempting to shield her from the sight and saw the King slumped forwards on the table, blood staining the white table covering. Violet’s hand to flew to her mouth in revulsion and she thought that she might faint, were it not for Phillip’s steady hand holding her in place.

“Violet” he called to her over the pandemonium of people rushing towards or from the King, getting tangled in one another in their hysteria.

“Are you alright?”

She was not all right, she felt as though she would throw up at any moment.

“I’m fine” she answered and let go of his arm. She knew he had to leave and attempt to find who had done this terrible deed. He however, seemed reluctant to remove his arm from around her waist.

“Are you sure?” she nodded emphatically and he seemed to be battling with something internally “Go and find your husband, you should not be alone” he ordered resignedly.

Phillip released her and began pushing through the crowd, Violet suddenly found herself alone within the mob. She searched for William, his height made him easy to spot. She saw relief cross his features as he saw and shoved his way towards her. As soon as he reached her he drew her into his arms with a sigh of reprieve.

She noticed that the hysteria in the room had dissipated now that there was no talk of the castle being invaded. It seemed as though the only target had been the King. Unfortunately the assailant had been successful. Now Henry would be the next ruler of Elereld…and Amelia the Queen.

Violet allowed William to lead her out of the ballroom once more. This time there was no screaming, no terrified shrieking or pushing and shoving. It seemed as though the whole of the guests were in shock, moving towards the exits in a trance.

As soon as they had reached their rooms Violet suddenly felt tears on her cheeks. Someone had killed the King! It was a reality that had not properly set in. The image of his limp body lying on the table, blood pooling, the Queen screaming and begging…she felt dizziness and horror overwhelm her as the room spun.

“Violet!” William reached out and deftly caught her before she hit the ground. His wife lay limply in his arms murmuring incoherently as sobs wracked her petite frame.

He had never seen Violet so distraught. She was always impeccably composed; he assumed she would shrug this particular incident off without a second thought. He had never seen her afraid.

“It’s alright, I won’t let anyone hurt you” he soothed as he scooped her up and carried her into their bedchamber. The feelings that he had desperately fought to suppress since the beginning of their marriage bubbled to the surface. Seeing her now distressed, her face swollen and red with tears, this was the real Violet and the one he had fallen in love with.

He lay her down on the bed and made to move to his usual position on the settee, yet she reached out and clutched his shirt looking up at him with her blue eyes brimming with fresh tears.

“William, please stay” she croaked her voice hoarse. He could only nod in surprise and lie down next to her, she pressed herself tightly up against him and he wrapped his arms around her. William felt as though he was in a dream as he stroked and kissed his wife’s hair, comforting her until her sobs subsided and she fell into an exhausted slumber beside him.

A Fine Line (Being Rewritten into The Pursuit of a King)Where stories live. Discover now