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Hey guys! Sorry my updates have been few and far between. A Fine Line will get a few more before Unlikely Endings wraps up with its final chapter. This story will also meet is inevitable end with that chapter as well. Keep reading! It shall be a fun ride :)

Violet immediately stiffened as she was met with the face of her captor. Yet, her traitorous body seemed to respond to his proximity and she felt the blush rise in her cheeks.

Phillip smirked at her reaction, pleased beyond measure that he could affect her so. He had been anticipating this meeting for days and as usual Lady Hayward did not disappoint.

“My dear Violet” Phillip smiled leaning towards her until she was forced to take a step back.

“I can only assume you would have become tired of these familiar surroundings, thus I ask that you join me in a change of scenery”

“I will join you nowhere!” Violet retorted crossing her arms across her chest “You may imprison me here, yet you do not have the right to order me around like a servant”

“I have all rights” Phillip laughed stepping inside the sitting room “You are prisoner, I order you to do whatever I like” the darker meaning to his words was not lost on Violet.

“Now come, I do not like to be kept waiting. I would send a servant to fetch you, yet I saw what you did to the other one and thought it were best I ask myself”

This was completely untrue, Phillip had found it exceedingly difficult to keep himself from the woman that now stood before him. For the last three days he would find himself walking towards the wing she was being kept in and would stop and force his steps back to where he was meant to be.

“My husband is sick” Violet stated as a desperate last effort to avoid this exchange, William merely chuckled.

“My dear let us not pretend you love your husband” he offered her his arm. The stern face of the guard beside him reminded her that she had no real choice in the matter. Tentatively she threaded her elbow around his and looked around curiously as they began walking through a part of the castle she had not yet seen.

“Lord Grey” Violet began attempting to be diplomatic “would you kindly share with me what part of the castle we are currently walking through?”

Instead of melting at her words and demure expression Phillip instead looked momentarily irritated at her formal tone.

“We are in the knight’s wing,” he replied with a smile pulling her slightly closer to his side. Violet looked around with interest, which Phillip seemed to find amusing. As he led them towards a large oak door, Violet suddenly blanched.

“I-Is this where you reside?” she queried, hesitating as he went to open the door. Fear suddenly bubbled up in her stomach; she gave him a questioning glance as her heart hammered in her chest. Violet did not think that Phillip would hurt her, however she had borne witness to his capacity for brutality and William was physical proof of it. For the first time she considered that Phillip could take her against her will.

“Violet” Phillip soothed quietly, taking her hand and leading her inside.

The room was vast and beautifully furnished with dark mahogany. Violet however could not focus on any of these details she usually found fascinating, she was too busy appraising the man before her wondering whether he would attack her.

“M-My Lord…” she was for once lost for words. What did one say to a potential rapist? She pulled her hand from his grasp and anxiously fiddled with the ribbons at the front of her dress. As he suddenly stepped up to her she could not suppress the squeak of fear that escaped her lips.

A Fine Line (Being Rewritten into The Pursuit of a King)Where stories live. Discover now