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Sorry it took me so long to update this story I’ve been super busy but I promise I’ll get a little more devoted. Learning a little more about a certain character in this chapter…

Fan! Comment! Vote! I love it all xx

Violet was still reeling and she almost forgot to be devastated when Amelia assented to be Henry’s wife. What did William mean when he said he was in love with her? Actually no, he had said that he had loved her. This niggled at her pride, why did he stop loving her then? What was the great crime she had committed to be so undeserving of his affections?

She quickly banished these ridiculous thoughts. It wasn’t fair; William had changed the rules by bringing love and feelings into it. Knowing him as she did it was most likely a ploy to torment her, and it was working.

She hardly noticed as her forlorn sister was swept down the aisle by her new husband. By God she looked miserable, and Violet wanted to yell ‘CHEER UP!’ from her place in the pews. However this would be highly improper and completely unladylike so she simply rolled her eyes instead.

“Shall we congratulate the happy couple?” William asked with a wolfish grin. Violet merely sighed in response and he looked slightly out of sorts. She was not playing her usual role in their repartee.

“I suppose we should” she replied resignedly a rose from her seat as the thrum of the crowd began again, amplified by the chapel.

“Violet are you feeling alright?”

“Yes!” she snapped irritably and saw merriment shine in his eyes again. God this man was impossible!

“I’m glad.” He smirked “I was beginning to think you had taken ill. Where were the screams, the tears, and the throwing of indiscriminate objects?”

“I’ll have you know” Violet huffed, affronted “That I am a lady-“

“Oh you are nothing of the sort” William chuckled and slipped his arm around hers as they exited the chapel. She ripped it from his grasp as soon as they were out of sight of the other guests.

“My dear if you do not cease your distractions we shall never make it to the hall”

“Oh just be quiet will you?” his wife huffed crossing her arms under her breasts and beginning to walk a few paces ahead of him.

He could feel a tantrum coming on and it filled William with glee on this rather dull day.

He watched as her blonde curls bounced, shining almost white as the sunlight filtered through the windows of the corridor. If she weren’t so cold, she may be the most beautiful woman in the world.

“William!” Violet hissed as the corridor began to fill with other guests moving towards the same location. It would not do for others to see them so separated. She lingered by the entrance to the hall, knowing full well that she could not enter without her husband for propriety’s sake.

William tried to walk as slowly as he possibly could.

“Ah what a surprise to see you again so soon” he purred as he finally reached and stood beside her. Violet gave him a menacing glare before jamming her arm through his and attempting to drag him through the door.

“I do not know why you must be so difficult, you oaf!” she muttered as they searched for their seats.

“Well perhaps if you would not act like such a spoiled little child it would not be so entertaining to torment you so”

They both exchanged glares before searching for their seats at one of the long food-laden tables. Violet did not relinquish the opportunity to elbow him hard in the ribs before she sat down.

A Fine Line (Being Rewritten into The Pursuit of a King)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن