-Chapter 19-

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I wake up for school after getting back together with Jason. I stretch and then walk out into the light "Morning sleepyhead" Rachel gives me a hug "Morning."

"So Jason was very happy this morning, I heard you snuck in his bed last night" "I was tossing and turning and I needed him so we are dating again" "I'm happy for you and I'll try to support this relationship" "I appreciate that, Rachel."

I have some cereal for breakfast and walk into the gym to eat breakfast and watch Jason train, it's always entertaining.

"Oh hey, how did you sleep?" Jason asks "Good, why are you guys up so early? I got Dick to wake you up a little later.

I sit on the couch and watch him train with Dick. Jason always intrigues me, he's so strong but is always gentle with me.

I've never felt threatened by Jason before. I've also never seen Jason in a real life situation because I always have to sit at home on the computer and track their locations and tell them where to go.

It's always been stressful that Jason risks his life but there's not much I can do.

After breakfast I wash up some dishes in the sink and Jason appears "Hey you wanna take a shower?" "Yeah warm up the water I'll be there in a second" "Okay."

I finish off the dishes and get in the shower with Jason "So I get to train you for once" "I'm kinda scared" "Why?" "Because I see you training with Rachel and Dick all the time and you're really good."

"Babe I'm not gonna hurt you, I'll go super easy on you, there's nothing to be afraid of!" "Yeah I know it's just you're really good."

After the shower I get changed and we cuddle, I start studying for a bit. I had to go to school before training.

"Babe, you ready for training?" "Yeah of course" "Let's go" "Hold on I have to change" I get changed into my leggings and sports bra in my room.

I meet Jason in the gym "Okay how about some pull ups" "I'm really bad at those but I can try" "I can help you" "Yes please" Jason makes sure my grip is right and teaches me how to pull myself up.

Jason helped with a lot of things and taught me new exercises.

"You're doing so well, Kenna! If I'm being honest I didn't think you would be this good" I smile "Thanks Jase but don't underestimate me."

After training I take a bath just to let my muscles rest. I join Gar and Jason while they play video games, I lay my head on his shoulder and watch them play video games.

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