-Chapter 10-

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Shortly everyone arrives. we all sit in the living room "How's life been since the titans disbanded?" I ask "You guys haven't been answering our calls so you've missed a whole lot of stuff." Rachel says "The titans are back together" Gar exclaims and they all tell us what has happened.

"So are you going to join us as the titans again?" Dick asks. Jason pauses and I look at him and his eyes meet mine "Would you care if I did?" Jason asks "Jason, this is your decision"

"I'll come back on one condition" "Okay what's your condition?" "Kennedy moves in with us"

Dick thinks about it "Okay on one condition" Dick says "I thought I was making the conditions" "Jason, just listen"

"Kennedy trains to become a titan" "Dick, you know it takes special kinds of people, not saying you're not specially Ken, but you know what I mean"

"You are a strong minded person."

After everyone had their sleeping arrangements sorted, Jason and I got ready for bed.

"I'm going to have a shower, my love" "Okay well I'm going to go talk to Dick quickly, he wanted to talk before. I'll try to be quick"

Jason kisses my cheek and goes to Dick's room. I take a nice shower and Jason comes in "Can I get in after?" Jason asks

"Yeah I'm done now" Jason wraps me up in a towel and gets in the shower "So what did Dick want?"

"He just wanted to double check with me that I'm alright with you training with us" "And are you" "Of course, if you're happy I'm more than happy"

"Is training hard?" "It's a breeze once you know what you're doing but I'll teach you" "Okay, I'll see how I go."

"You will be better than any of us in the end" "Do Gar and Rachel like me?" "I don't know but you don't need to worry about them"

"I want them to like me though" "Why?" "Because I want friends in the house? Why else Jase?" "Well Gar is the best guy ever but Rachel she's a handful"

"Whats wrong with her?" "She's the rudest person ever, also her powers are a bit crazy at the moment she almost killed me" "Really?" "Yes."

I lay in bed waiting reading a book waiting for Jason. "You're so pretty" Jason says closing the bathroom door and walking toward the bed

"Hold on I gotta finish this page" I say Jason puts his head on my shoulder and stares at my face until I finish the page.

"Yes my love?" I ask Jason "I love you and your pretty face" "I love you and your pretty face" I smile

"Your glasses are cute, they suit you well" "My vision impairment is cute to you?" I laugh

"Well you never wear glasses, only at night when you're reading." "Because glasses are annoying and I only need them for reading" I put my book away and wrap my arms around Jason

"Dick asked me about your past and I said I don't know anything about it, what does he mean?" "I was wondering when you would ask me" "I noticed I never asked you about your life before being together"

"I moved out here at 15 with my cousin because my parents abandoned me so I had nowhere to go and he offered to let me stay with him and his friends in a small house with 6 guys living there. They were all sweet but one day my cousin and one of the guys got in a bad car crash and died, the guys kindly let me stay at their house for free but once I turned 18 I had enough money to get that apartment I've been living in."

"Hmm so we aren't so different after all" "Yeah well I didn't tell you because I practically started a new life and I don't talk about it."

"Well I love you anyway, thank you for telling me"

Jason pauses and I see a smirk forming on his face

"Nerd" "Jason Todd!" I punch his arm hard fully knowing he will laugh at me because I'm weak "Ouch that hurt so much, Ken" Jason says sarcastically

"Shut up, I try to tell you something serious and you call me a nerd" I sit on his waist while he lays down

"Sorry! I couldn't help it" I take off my glasses "No! Keep them on. I was only joking, I love the glasses"

"Too late, meanie. You made me insecure" Jason grabs the glasses and puts them back on me "Now you can see how sexy I am"

"You're so cocky!" "Don't even pretend you don't wanna rip off my clothes because I'm so sexy" I punch him again "You know it's true you don't have to say it out loud" Jason laughs.

I apologise for not posting in ages I thought I had posted this months ago but turns out I didn't. Enjoy!

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