-Chapter 14-

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"Dick I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to move out in the next month, I'm looking for somewhere to stay so thank you so much for the stay here." "Why's that?" "I can't stand to see his face here and every night I feel like throwing up because I miss him so much it's awful I just can't live here." "I'll make sure you have somewhere to live and you can train here whenever" "Thank you Dick" I planned to stay another couple weeks to a month and then I'd move out.

"I really don't want you to go" Rachel says "I don't either but I can't live here anymore" "I understand" we go to my room and stayed to pack up my stuff.

That night I sleep in my own room and I don't hear anything it happens for a couple nights, in the morning there would be no girls. Every night I waited for him to bring home another girl but he stopped going out. "So I guess it's my last week here" I say walking into my room "I wish I could move out with you" Rachel says "Visit me whenever you want."

"Hey uh can we talk?" Jason appears at my door "It's important and urgent" "Okay I guess" I walk into his room, the pictures of me are still next to his bed and some of my shirts I left that I was too scared to ask for back are scrunched up in his bed near the pillows.

"I made a horrible mistake and I need to fix it before it's too late. I'm sorry for breaking up with you I should never have done that" "You know I would have been totally fine with getting back together a couple weeks ago. That was until you started fucking all these girls so I would have to hear every night and cry myself to sleep again. I'd see them in the morning and want to die in that moment. I'm moving out because I can't take it."

"I fucked up big time, I knew it would be hard to get you back. Please stay in the house, I'll prove myself to you" "Why should I?" "I love you so much! All I could think about was you! You were constantly on my mind I have your tshirts in my bed because I miss you, I haven't deleted any of our photos, I look at this every night before I go to sleep." He picks up a photo frame "I'll walk by your room just to get a faint smell of you."

"I don't know if I can trust you anymore" "Fuck, Kennedy. This is breaking my heart. I have fucked up so bad I don't know what I should do anymore!" I can hear his voice break and tears start to form in his eyes. "If I could take putting you through all my stupid shit back I would do anything! I would kill a person I would kill thousands for you. I would do anything for you. I need you back" I start crying

"I can't believe you would say this now" "Stay. Please stay" "I'll think about it but right now I can't. I have to go" I walk out and go into my room.

The rest of the day I felt so sick. I didn't eat or drink I stayed in my room and cried while looking at pictures and videos.

The next day I finally got out of my room "Dick do you mind if I stay a bit longer?" I asked him "Stay as long as you want." "I'm so happy" Rachel gives me a hug "How long are you staying for?" "I don't know yet."

I sit down at the table with everyone else. I take a look at Jason, his eyes were puffy and his face was red. We had a double training session today so one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Jason and I would glance at each other all day and both of us knew but chose to ignore it.

We never said anything to each other but I know he heard me sobbing after training. I tried to be quiet but it was too hard I was hyperventilating. There was a knock on my door "Just a second Rachel" i wipe my tears and unlock my door and standing there is Jason.

"What?" He gives me a hug and I hug him back and continue to cry. "I'm so sorry" I don't say anything and just stand at the doorway holding him, we were both crying. "I love you and I hate you" I finally say and let go of the hug "I deserve this" I push Jason.

"I can't believe you would break my heart! You're a piece of shit!" Letting my anger out was so good. Until I stopped and pushed him on the bed and we started to make out.

Neither of us knew what was going to happen. "I can't do this right now" he gets out from underneath me "I'm not ready" he gets up and leaves

DISAPPEAR - Jason Todd (Titans)Where stories live. Discover now