-Chapter 8-

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It's a week before Christmas and I am so exited to be with Jason for a full day. He has came home earlier than usual lately.

"So what do you want to do on Christmas?" I ask him "So I have been thinking about what you said about the titans and I have been keeping things from you."

"Like what?" "They have all been trying to contact me to get me to join the titans again. I was afraid they texted you too but they obviously haven't by the look on your face."

"Jason Todd, you are so annoying! If they need you they need you!"

"Well at first I told them I wasn't interested and the more they texted me and I see you less the more I think about us moving back to san Fransisco so I can see you more and you can finish college. I never see you anymore and it's making me feel really lonely."

"J, I think we should talk to Dick about this" "Thats what I was getting to. I want to invite the titans for Christmas. You were right and I should have listened to you. I'm sorry." I smile, Jason doesn't apologise much but when he does I know he means it.

I invited all the titans to Christmas, the three of them accepted.

Bruce and Alfred left the house on Christmas Eve and Jason came in time for dinner.

"Hey gorgeous, I wanted to take you out for dinner tonight" Jason comes up behind me and gives me a hug.

"Just give me a second to freshen up" I quickly run upstairs to get changed while Jason takes a shower.

I think after tomorrow we will have things back to normal. Jason gets out of the shower and walks into our room.

"Babe, there's something I Uh need help with in the shower" "Jason I'm not taking a shower with you" "Not that for once. There's a spider and it's looking at me really weirdly can you please kill it?"

"Jason, are you scared of spiders?" I laugh "Yes don't judge me! Now can you get it or do I need to use the downstairs bathroom?"

"I'll get it" I capture the little spider, this house is oddly full of spiders, I'm guessing because it's a grand mansion which means a lot of hiding places.

"Please don't tell anyone about that" "I wont but it's pretty funny that the Jason Todd who fights off criminals all day is scared of a little spider" I laugh.

Dinner with Jason was quite relaxing and nice to have a change and actually enjoy a meal together.

DISAPPEAR - Jason Todd (Titans)Where stories live. Discover now