- Chapter 2 -

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Warning- swearing

I get home and remember he gave me his number. "Hey this is Kennedy, I'm the waitress you gave your number to" I get an almost immediate response

"Hey Kennedy! I'm Jason, you're very beautiful, anyway I was wondering if I could take you on a date?"

"Of course and thank you so much for the tip it was so generous"

"No worries anything to help you out."

"So this date?"

"How about next Friday?"

"Luckily I finish at 2pm that day so we could go out for dinner"

"Exactly what I was thinking."

Jason and I talked for a while and we became so close after that.

After work on Friday I rush home to get ready. Later that night he knocks on my apartment door "Hey Jason" "You look absolutely gorgeous" "Thank you so much."

We walk downstairs to his car. "Holy shit that is a nice car" he drives a black car with red rims. "Thanks I love this car" he drives me to a fancy place. "I'm paying tonight" Jason insists on it "I'll pay you back though" "There's no need I asked you out so I'll pay."

Jason and I had a great night, everyone got mad at us for laughing too mad after all we are a couple of teenagers at a restaurant full of fancy middle aged people. I couldn't put my finger on it but he reminded me of someone I've met. At the end of the night we went for a walk.

"Jason, you remind me of someone I just don't know who" he smiles "It's a mystery" "Have we met before this?" "No I definitely would have remembered your pretty face."

Jason drops me to my apartment complex. "You should come in" I say "I won't reject that offer" we go up to my room and talk for a bit.

"How long have you lived here?" "3 months" "You should really get out of here" "I would love to, do you want to pay for my rent?" He laughs "I get what you're trying to say but I'm not rich either I'm only 19"

"You drive the nicest car I've seen in my life." "It was given to me" "Hook me up with your friend, I need some money" "How about your job?" "I only do it to pay for college" "What are you majoring in?" "Finance" "Hmm so you're smart" "I guess so, I just need to get my major and get out of here. I have 2 more years."

"If you ever need a place to stay you can always stay with me. Just a warning I live with 4 other people" "Wow do you have a big place?" "Yeah I barely see them in the house unless we are in the training room" "Training room?" "We all love exercise so we have a gym" "Oh that sounds like heaps of fun."

"Well I guess I better get home" "I'll text you tomorrow" I walk him to the door and he kisses me goodnight.

DISAPPEAR - Jason Todd (Titans)Where stories live. Discover now