-Chapter 20-

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The next morning I have an early lecture which means I have to wake up even earlier than usual.

"I'll sleep in my room tonight, I've got an early lecture in the morning and I don't want to wake you up" I say to Jason "No it's fine I want to cuddle tonight just set your alarm I probably will go back to sleep anyway."

"Are you sure?" "Yes I would rather get woken up early than have a sleepless night without you."

"Okay who's room?" "Your room, your sheets smell really nice" I smile "Okay my room it is" Jason and I watch Netflix for a little longer.

"Jase, I'm tired" I lay my head on his shoulder "Alright let's get you to bed" Jason turns off the TV and picks me up to take me to bed.

"Can you get my fluffy socks?" I ask "Where are they?" "Second drawer" Jason gets my pink fluffy socks and puts them on my feet. Jason gets into bed and holds me tight "I love you, sweet dreams" Jason kisses my forehead.

In the morning my alarm goes off and I have to turn it off "I don't want you to go" Jason says "I don't want to either" "Don't go!" "I have to, I've got 6 months left! Which is practically nothing until I can get an internship."

I get up have a shower and get ready just as I'm about to leave I gently kiss Jason's forehead as he's sleeping.

I walk past Dick on his way to wake up everyone "Have fun I'll see you at later training" Dick says.

I go to the lecture and see Harry he smiles and approaches me "Hey, how are you?" Harry asks "I'm really good thanks" "Do you want to sit next to me?" "Sure" I say and sit next to him.

As long as he doesn't try anything I'll be fine I just don't like letting people down. The lecture starts it takes a while for me to focus but I eventually understand everything and take really good notes, today's starting off to be a good day.

"So did you want to get coffee again?" "Oh I'm actually busy but thanks for the offer "I'll give you a ride home so you don't have to walk" "Thank you that would be great" Harry smiles.

I take a ride with him "Sorry I forgot to mention I've got a cold" "Oh that's alright, I've got a pretty good immune system" Harry parks the car and just as I'm about to get out Harry kisses me I try to pull away but his hand is on my cheek.

"Harry I have a boyfriend now!" I blurt out "I'm so sorry, I didn't know I must have misread the signs I thought by you saying you had a good immune system that meant it would be okay if I kissed you."

"It's alright, I still want to be friends it's just I'm back together with my ex boyfriend" "I'm very sorry" "It's alright thanks for the ride anyway."

I almost run into the building and into the elevator I get up to the house. They would be training now so I put my bag away and sit and watch them

DISAPPEAR - Jason Todd (Titans)Where stories live. Discover now