Chapter 1

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"Listen to me you two worthless brats...remember that it doesn't matter what your tests say today... You. Stay. Here in abnegation with me" our father, Marcus, threatened as he had a iron grip on my arm and my brother's.

We nodded in fear even though we both knew that we're lying. "Good. I want you both back here as soon as your done with your tests..... or else" he replied and released us from his grip. Both of us rushed out of the house as fast as we could and as soon as we got far enough we slowed down and looked at each other.

"You okay?" Dorian asked me. I nodded, "You?" I asked in turn. He shrugged and dropped his gaze, "Nothing that we aren't used to" he mumbled.

It was true. We were so used to being hurt, thrown, having stuff like knives or glass being thrown at us and being beaten when he really got drunk. I sighed shakingly and Dorian wrapped a arm around my shoulders. He pulled me into him and side-hugged me.

"We'll get through this. It's just one more day (Y/n), then we're free" he said as we approached the hall where we were going to do your aptitude test. I turned to Dorian as we got into the line and whispered, "We still choosing the same faction as we planned?" I asked softly.

He nodded and I smiled in relief. Dorian then smiled, "I'm not leaving you alone somewhere. I'll be lost without my twin" he said and I laughed slightly then hugged him.

I heard the train approaching and I pulled away from Dorian to get a look. Dauntless kids were hanging out of the side of the train with smiles on their faces. When it got to the grass part, they all started jumping off and rushed over towards their faction's door.

It looked like so much fun to be a Dauntless member and was one of the reasons that we wanted to transfer there. Dauntless has no rules to what or how they must wear their clothes and they can dye their hair or even get piercings and tattoos.

Abnegation didn't allow such things as we were supposed to be selfless and care for others. We reject vanity and only have the simplest of things.

Soon enough the tests started and Dorian went in before me. He came out and he told me that he would wait outside for me as they called my name next.

I walked into the room and closed it behind me. A women dressed in black, which meant she was Dauntless, stood next to a machine and turned to look at me as I entered.

"Sit down" she ordered and I obeyed. I turned to the chair next to her and sat down.

"I'm Tori. I'll be administering
your test. You'll be offered a series
of choices to test your aptitude for each faction until you get one result" she explained as she got stuff ready for my test.

"I wouldn't sweat it. 95% get the faction of their origin and from the looks of you" she said as she looked at me. I felt slightly offended even if I didn't show it. That is something years of abuse would do to you. You learn how to hide your emotions so you wouldn't get in trouble...

Tori brings me out of my thoughts by placing a glass with some blue liquid infront of my face.

"Bottoms up" she says and I frowned as I took the glass. "What is it?" I asked but she just gave me a look. I decided just to drink it as it was probably something for the test.

I quickly drank all of it and just placed the glass down, when I noticed Tori was no longer next to me. Neither was the machine that was next to the chair. I frowned and stood up from the chair.

I looked around the room and found nothing but the mirror left, which intrigued me. I walked over towards it and looked at myself. I had long dark hair with grey eyes, just like my twin brother and I smiled slightly.

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