Chapter 9

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"You know when you said 'a Dauntless style short cut', this was not what I had in mind at all" I said with a smile on my face to Tom.

He grinned back, "Well I hope this is at least better than what you had imagined then"

I nodded as I looked at Tris going down the zipline, "Ooh it is"

Tom clapped me on my shoulder and motioned towards Dauntless guys getting the harness ready for the next person.

Moving their way, I waited for them to tell me what to do and getting ready to be launched off. They strapped me in and showed me where the brake was. Before I could look back at my friends, I was pushed off and was picking up speed as I went down the line.

A smile quickly appeared on my face and I yelled in excitement. Ziplining through the wrecked buildings, seeing all the lights in the distance of the Dauntless compound, wind blowning through my hair, it all just gave me some kind of rush and a warm feeling that was spreading through my chest.

'This was why I chose Dauntless.... they live their lives and almost constantly have fun. Where back at my old faction with.... him..... life just seemed dull and boring. With the same routine and light grey clothes, a person would think you'd go insane after a while. I would have at least, it never was who I am and I finally found a place that I felt like I belong' I thought.

Closing my eyes and just feeling the way the wind blew past me as I flew padt. Forgeting about all my problems for just a few moments and just focusing on the immense feeling of enjoyment that was coursing through me.

Yelling broke me out of thoughts though and I quickly snapped open my eyes and realized, in shock ,that I was nearly at the end and might just crash into the huge board with a 'X' spray painted on if I don't stop soon.

Reaching behind me I grab the handle of the brake and pull it down hard. The screeching of the brakes hurt my ears as my speed rapidly started to drop and before I knew it, I stopped just a few inches away from the board.

Note to self, don't get lost in thought or enjoyment while on a zipline ever again' I think as I sighed slightly in relief.

Everyone that had gathered around me cheered as they helped me down. I smiled and laughed as I got back on my feet, looking up towards the liine when I heard someone getting close to the end too.

Rian then appeared and I laughed as I looked at his scared expression. Poor brother of mine, his fear of heights probably ruined his experience.

Soon enough he got to the bottom and the crowd of Dauntless swarmed around him to help him off.

He made his way towards me and I nudged him with my elbow, "Still afraid of heights, huh?"

"Fuck off" he smiled and I laughed in turn.



My friends and I walked into The Pit laughing at Tom, who had been telling us a story about something stupid he did when he was younger.

"Alright, alright. The lot of you can stop laughing now" he smiled before continuing, "I bet all of you have a story like this too".

Rian and I shared a sad look, luckily no one seemed to notice this.

"We might, but it doesn't mean we're gonna share" Crystal said and we all laughed again.

I spotted my older brother talking to a bunch of his friends. As we walked past them he smiled at Rian and I. We returned the gesture and continued on with our friends.

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