Chapter 2

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The train approached our position and everyone seemed to be getting ready to run. The train started passing us and the Dauntless born started to run.

I nodded to Dorian and we followed after them. Some of them had now jumped and had gotten into the train. They were helping people in as well.

Dorian was the first to reach a door and had gotten in quickly before reaching out for me. I grabbed his hand and he hauled me inside. "Thanks Dorian" I said as I leaned against the train's walls. He did the same and smiled at me, "Anytime sis". I smiled, we're free. I'm free. I can stop acting how a Abnegation should and finally be myself. And there's no one to tell me otherwise.

I then switched my gaze to a guy and girl walking towards us. "Hey you two. Your pretty fast for stiffs" the guy said. I shrugged and smiled, "Well if your not allowed to look in the mirror, you have to run away from each one. Does keep you fit though" I replied sarcastically and he chuckled.

"I guess so. I'm Tommy but you guys can call me Tom. And this" he nods towards the girl to his left, "Is my friend Selene"

Tom had jet black hair with brown eyes while Selene had blonde hair with green eyes. I smiled and held my hand out to them, "Nice to meet you guys. I'm (Y/n) and this is Dorian or as I call him Rian". Tom shakes my hand first and returns the smile.

Selene then shakes my hand and smirks, "You sure your Abnegation? You guys sure don't act like one" she comments. "That's why we left" Dorian interupted and I nodded in agreement.

"Well then my friends. You'll fit right in here at Dauntless" Tom said with a smile. I then notice their clothes, "So Dauntless born is it?" I asked and they nodded. "Yup" came Selene's reply.

"So from a Dauntless born's perspective... how did we do?" I asked and Tom laughed,"You guys did great in my opinion".

I smiled and thanked him. Tom then nudged me with his arm, "Hey ,get ready. We're about to jump again" he says as he walks to the door and then backs up. "Jump!" Someone yells and Tom takes off running.

Selene then follows him and I turn to Dorian, "Together?" I ask.

"Together" he answers and we both set off running out of the train and jumped at the last second. We landed on the roof and both of us didn't quite land right. "Ahh god that was painful" Dorian grumbled and I nodded as I felt my bruises hurt even more.

Tom rushed over and had helped us both up. Before I could thank him, a voice yelled out from behind us, "All right, listen up!". We walked towards the ledge were a guy stood and waited for him to continue talking.

"I'm Eric. I'm one of your leaders. If you want to enter Dauntless, this is the way in. And if you don't have the guts to jump... then you don't belong in Dauntless" he explains and he smirks as nearly all the initiates grumbled under their breaths, my breath hitched slightly as I got a look at Eric. Even though I was a bit far back, I could still make out that he had a strong build and that aline already made him attractive.

"Is there water at the bottom,
or something?" Someone in the group shouted.

"I guess you'll find out. Or not." Eric shrugged. "Someone's gotta go first. Who's it gonna be?" Eric asked as he looked over all of us. His gaze then finally landed on me and I refused to break eye contact first.

He seemed surprised at the fact that I was holding his gaze and then finally moved on. I looked down at my feet and smirked slightly.

"Well?" Eric snapped at us. I looked up and nudged Dorian, "Follow after me , yeah?"

He nodded and looked surprised that I would go first. I then turned my gaze towards Eric , "I'll go" I offered.

Everyone's gaze then turned to me in surprise, they then made a path for me to the front and I slowly started making my way to the ledge.

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