Chapter 7

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Today, Four had woken us up like usual. The difference to this day came when we entered the training room, and a table was set up with knives laying across it. A huge wall with targets stood not to far from the table.

Four then grabbed a few knives as everyone showed up, and walked so he stood in front of a target.

"All right. Watch me carefully. I'm only going to do this twice , so pay attention". Four then got into place and I watched him closely as he pulled back his arm before flinging it foward into the target's head.

Again he prepared himself before the next knife flew towards the target, this one hitting the center of the chest area.

I looked at the target in shock and soon the shock was replaced with amazement. I looked at Four and smiled as he caught my eye.

He nodded and turned to the group, "Grab five knives and get started!" he yelled. Everyone rushed to the table for the knives, in fear of what Four might do if they didn't do as he told them. My friends and I stood to the side and waited for everyone else to grab their knives and moved over to the table when they cleared.

I grabbed the knives and walked over towards the furthest target.

I stood how Four showed us, and prepared my arm to launch the knife. I pulled my arm back and aimed, before flinging my arm forward.

As the knife left my hand, the door to the training room banged open and I sighed and rolled my eyes. By now I know only one person does this.

I ignored him as he entered the room and walked towards all of us lined up throwing our knives. Well, I was the only one still throwing as everyone stopped in fear and shock to look at him.

"Who told you to stop!" His voice boomed across the room and I rolled my eyes as I looked at the rest of the initiates rush to start flinging knives at their targets again.

This was really getting old..... him not being here and then bursting through the doors and yelling at us. It's not like he's intimidating anyone.

I looked at the rest of the initiates and retracted that thought.... Well maybe just not me.

I turned back to the target and resumed to throw knife after knife until I ran out and had to walk over to the target to retrieve all of them to start again.

I pulled all the knives out of the target and turned to walk back to my spot.

Reaching my spot and turning back to the target I realize that Eric was getting close to my spot down the line of initiates. I tensed slightly as I realized this and scolded myself immediately for reacting that way.

I'm not weak anymore.....

I lifted my head and started throwing my knives again.

Footsteps approached behind me from the left side but I ignored him as he got closer and closer, while making sure I hit the middle part of the target.

Until the moment he stopped behind me and I flung the knife at the targets head and it hit the center of it. Flinging the next knife, it hit the throat.

I pulled my arm back to throw the last knife but froze as I felt someone breathe down my neck.

"Not bad initiate" he whispered, "and don't think that I have forgotten about yesterday. You will give me answers"

The feeling of someone close to me disappeared and I heard his footsteps retreat back to my left.

I released a breathe ,I didn't know I was holding, and turned my head in the direction where Eric walked off to.

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