Chapter 14

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Shine's POV

I can't believe it. I really had sex with Shikamaru. Now I can remember it clearly not like before. It's been a couple of days since that happened but I'm still thinking about it and I feel like I'm falling harder for him.

"Hello? Earth to Shine? Are you okay?" Said Hiro while snapping his fingers in my face.

"You have visitors. They've been here for a couple of minutes now." Said him and I looked around to see Ino with Sakura, Shikamaru, Choji, Sasuke and Kiba. I don't see Naruto nowadays. Where could he be?

"Sorry. I zoned out. Why are you guys here?" I asked them. I can't look Shikamaru in his eyes.

"They actually invited us to watch you guys practice." Said Ino.

I looked at Julian and raised my eyebrows.

"What about the rules?" I asked him.

"Oh, fuck that rule. We could use some audience, you know." Replied him.

We gathered in the living room and started our practice. The first game lasted for about 24 minutes while the second game lasted for 17 minutes and the third game lasted for 26 minutes. We only won 1 game.

"What's happening to you, captain?" Asked Cil.

"Yeah, you can't even command right. Is there something bothering you?" Asked Pai.

"Leave me alone." I replied and I stormed off to go upstairs.

I threw myself on the couch. There's another living room here by the way.

I covered myself with the pillow and sighed.

"Bitch, what's going on with you? Are you pregnant?" I removed my pillow to look Hiro in his eyes.

"Where did you even get that?" I asked.

"Then what's wrong! Why the sudden change of mood? You know you can tell me anything, right?' He replied and he sat with me.

"I don't know either. I just felt like something stabbing me here." I said while pointing at my chest.

"Oh. My. Gosh. You're having a heart break?" He asked.

"I told you, I don't know." I replied.

"Bitch, come on. Just tell me the truth. We're practically sisters at this point. Besides, I already saw you naked." He said.

"If I tell you, promise me you won't tell anyone. As in, anyone. It's just between the two of us." I said.

"Yeah. Pinkies swear." He said and we swore.

"What would happen if you broke that promise?" I asked.

"You're gonna cut off my pinky." He replied and I nodded.

"I'm falling..." I said. His eyes rounded and he covered his mouth.

"For real?!" He asked.

"Yes! And what's worse is, it deepens because we did the dirty." I replied.

"Omg, you're such a slut! How was it?" He asked.

"It was more than good. But anyways, I can't bear to look at him because the scenario just plays over and over." I replied.

"Girl, you need to act as if everything's alright and it doesn't affect you. Otherwise, say goodbye to your 10,000 ryo." He said.

"Holy shit you're right." I said.

"Put that fucking mask on and let's go downstairs. We have a couple of days for the grand finals and we have to practice." He said and we went down.

"Hey, let's try again." I told my team and they cheered.

"Finally! I can already sense your spirit!" Said Julian and I just smiled at him.

Shikamaru walked towards me. I looked away and tried to walk out but he pulled me into a hug.

"Thanks, I needed that." I said as he pulled away.

"And I needed this." He said and he claimed my lips.

"Really? In front of me?" I heard Pai.

"You know she never liked you." Said Hiro and they teased Pai.

"Enough with that. Let's start." Said Julian and I pulled away. Hiro was just looking at me and I'm looking at him back.

We practiced once more and all of our games won. I feel like I'm ready for the grand finals.

Our fun was cut off when someone knocked on the door. Julian stood up to go and get it.

"Hello, delivery for the Alter Ego esports." Said the guy. Pai followed Julian.

"What are those?" Pai asked.

"Food from coach Axel and from RSG." Said the guy.

"RSG? I thought they hate us?" I asked Cil.

"Maybe they changed their minds." Replied Cil.

They let the guy enter and it's not just one guy, there are many of them carrying so much food!

When they left, Julian called everyone to eat and they went to the kitchen except for me who's scrolling through my social media while lying down on the couch.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Asked Shikamaru.

"Maybe later." I replied. He sat with me and he put my legs on his lap and his hand on my thighs.

"Hey, do you still remember what happened that night?" He asked. I don't like where this is going. Okay, play it cool.

"Yeah. After we left the bathroom, we head to your table and drank shots. Then, we all left the club and you guys decided to go here and smoke some pot. After that, everyone's high and Itachi fetch Sasuke saying he's been looking for him all over the village and shit." I replied.

"That's it?" He asked.

"Yeah, cause after that, I think I blacked out. Did I miss something?" I asked him back.

"What did we do in the bathroom club?" He asked.

"Don't tell me you're the one who forgot it, this time?" I asked back.

"No, I haven't forget it at all." He replied.

"Then, why are you asking me that?" I asked him. I sat up and removed my legs on his lap.

"To see if you still remember it." He replied.

"Of course, I do. I just don't like to recall it." I said.

He's slowly leaning into me.

"And why is that?" He asked.

"Cause it's unnecessary." I replied. He slowly claimed my lips. I thought it will be just a peck but it's not. He started kissing me passionately while holding my face.

"Oh my gosh! Get a room!" We heard Hiro yelled.

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