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Shit, what does Newt want to talk about? I hope this doesn't have anything to do with earlier. I don't know why I kept snapping at him and shooting him down, I just really feel the need to protect myself around him. Still, that's probably not a reason to lash out. I just can't help it. I don't trust him not to hurt me again.
Slowly, people started to leave. Minho was the only one left. He whispered over to me, asking if I was ready to leave. I said I was going to stay for a bit and he smirked at me before announcing he was leaving and giving Newt a hug on his way out. I started to fiddle with my fingers, sat on one side of the couch, looking down. Newt came to join me on the other side and looked at me with expecting eyes. I don't know what he wants me to say so I mutter a quick "what?" under my breath.
This didn't seem to go over well with Newt. "What?" His voice was raised and I could hear how tense and annoyed he was. Shit. "What do you mean what? You've been nothing but short and snappy with me all night. You were literally so nice and excited to see me yesterday!? What the hell is your problem?"
"My problem?" I felt myself anger at his tone. Who does he think he is to speak to me like that? "My problem is that I can't stand being around you."
Newts face dropped at that but he retained some anger in his facial expression. "what the fuck is that supposed to mean? What happened to being friends?"
"Oh my god, I don't want to be fucking friends with you Newt! All you've done since we've become friends is make everything complicated, you've broken my heart before we've even met. I don't even want to look at you."
"Okay well that's fucking dramatic." He scoffed and leaned back on the sofa, letting out a soft breathy chuckle, only angering me further.
"Dramatic? Oh my god, you're infuriating! You did break my heart. You know I've not been with anyone since we started talking because I'm falling for you, Newt! You sleeping with all those other people ruined me! I can't believe you don't feel the same way and you're just going to act all smug and cool about it!"
With this, he grabbed my chin and pulled it so I was looking directly in to his eyes. I couldn't help but shiver. "You're falling for me? How about I show you how you make me feel, yeah?" Before I could even open my mouth to yell at him for making fun of me, his mouth crashed on to mine. I wanted to be strong, not to let him win but I couldn't help but melt in to the kiss. His hands moved to both my cheeks and deepened the kiss, he moved to straddle my thighs and I couldnt help but let out a moan at the dominance and passion he was putting in to the kiss. The moan gave Newt the chance to push his tongue into my mouth, making my hips involuntarily rut up a little. I wrapped my arms around his waist and up his back so I could grab on to something. I can't believe this is actually happening right now. I couldnt think of anything other than Newt right now. Newt, Newt, Newt.

Hey, before I keep writing, how x-rated are you guys okay with this story getting? I can keep it more pg if that's what the people want, kinda up to you 😂😅 let me know

Misophonia - A newtmas AUWhere stories live. Discover now