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Taehyung's POV

"I will make you regret everything, Lee Y/N. I need answers and you will suffer because of your lies."  I chuckled and called someone. "Cancel the meeting now, I have something urgent to do. And yeah get me a car ready, fast." I hung up and now I know what to do next. Thank god I came home. I forgot the main file at home. So I had to come to get it.

The door was already a little open so without hesitating I entered. There was no one in the hall so I went to the kitchen and there I saw them and heard all the truth. If I had never come home, I would have never known the truth. And the next thing I did was silently escape from there without knowing anyone.

Car was already ready and in 15 minutes I reached Y/N's house, where I could find all my answers. I entered the house and saw Y/N's mom. "Mrs Lee, good afternoon." "Omg tae baby, how are you?" She asked with a creepy face. "I am fine, I actually wanted to ask something and I will directly come to the point." I said.

"Is Y/N adopted? And if she is, then why am I getting to know this now?" She suddenly panicked and started muttering. "Tha-about that i-i-actually-" "PLEASE TELL FAST, AND HOW CAN YOU ALL LIE ABOUT SUCH IMPORTANT THINGS. DO MY PARENTS KNOW ABOUT THIS?" I shouted angrily. "Y-y-yes, she is adopted."

"From where and when?" "She was adopted when she was 1 year old and from Sunflower Adoption Center." I wasted no time and exited the house and I called my assistant. "Send me the address of the sunflower adoption center NOW!" In 5 minutes, I got a detailed address of this center.

In no time I left and was on the way to that center. There were many questions wandering in my mind. Who is Y/N? If she is not Hyeri, then where is Hyeri? Why do they look the same? Are they both related? I was getting confused. By the time I reached the adoption center. As I went in, the environment there looked a little off.

Everyone was sad and some were crying. I just shrugged it off and went to the reception counter. The lady there was crying too. I went there and was about to ask when I heard two women crying and talking. "How can this happen? How can she leave us? She was so loving and cheerful. How can something like this happen to her?" They said, hardly sobbing.

Another lady came to them and started talking softly. I didn't hear clearly so I went a little closer. "Miss Mina told me to give this diary to a girl named Y/N a week ago." When I heard Y/N's name I directly went towards them. "Excuse me, this is Kim Taehyung. I am Y/N's husband. Can I know what happened?"

"Actually the owner of this center, Miss Mina, died today" She said, crying hard. "I am really sorry to know this" "Can you please pass this diary to miss
Y/N?" she requested as she handed me the diary. "Yeah, sure." They all left. I was about to leave when I saw Y/N coming towards my side.

Without getting suspicious I hurriedly ran towards the back door and exited from there. "Thank god, Y/N didn't see me." with that I sat in the car. Something seemed off with this diary. I didn't want to see it, but I just couldn't control it. I opened the diary and started reading it. Every line shocked me to death. I just can't believe it.

Y/N had a twin sister who was adopted before her. And even her parents knew about that. Y/N had a twin sister who was adopted before her and went to the US with her adopted parents. Even Y/N's parents knew about that. Does Y/N know about that? That means Y/N and Hyeri are two different people; and they both are sisters. How can such a coincidence happen?

I guess this is fate. Taehyung, how can you do this? You treated Y/N like shit thinking she was Hyeri. I have to at least make up with her. I have to tell her the truth. The truth, that she has a sister. I quickly left and was on the way towards home. I saw Y/N exiting the center so I guess she could be at home.

I saw the door was a little open. I went in and saw Y/N crying on the couch. My heart suddenly broke. I started feeling guilty for whatever I did to her in the past. I quickly went towards her. "Hey hey, what happened? Why are you crying?" I said caressing her cheeks. "Tae-taehyung, Mi-miss-miss Mina who was like a-a m-mother to me, she left me."

She said in a quavering voice. I quickly hugged her. "It's ok it's ok, I am here for you." I comforted her by caressing her back. "You can tell whatever you want, you don't have to keep it inside." First time I saw her so close. She looks so beautiful. So gorgeous. How could I not notice this?

After 5 minutes she let go. "S-sorry a-a-actually-" "Why are you saying sorry? The one who has to say sorry is me. I am sorry Y/N for treating you badly in the past. I really don't know why I did that and I want to make up with you. Will you go on a date with me Lee Y/N?"

Author POV

"Will you go on a date with me Lee Y/N?" Y/n looked really shocked when asked her for a date. "Are you serious?" "Yeah I am, will you?" "Yes, I will." She had a bright smile on her face. I suddenly remembered about the diary. I guess I should not tell her now. I directly went to my room and hid the diary in my cupboard where no one could find it.

I decided to meet my friends and tell them about this. I messaged everyone and told them to gather at Jimin's house. I messaged Y/N about our date timing before leaving. I reached Jimin's house and saw everyone sitting on the couch. "Hi, everyone." "Hi, why did you call us here?" Jin hyung said.

"I actually wanted to say something serious." I said in a suspicious tone. "What?" Hoseok Hyung said. "Y/N is not Hyeri." Everyone had no reaction. "Taehyung, we already know that." Namjoon hyung said. "There is something more you'll don't know about."

"What? Tell me fast I want to go home." Yoongi hyung said, who was half asleep. "Y/N and Hyeri are twin sisters." Everyone was shocked by what I said. Yoongi hyung who was asleep literally sat straight and made a what? look. Jimin, who was drinking, literally spat the water out.

"What!!?!?!?" everyone said together. "Hyung, don't joke around." Jungkook said.  "No I am not joking, Y/N is not the real child of Mr. and Mrs Lee. She is adopted and you know that, Jungkook." I saw how Jungkook was looking down. "I went to the center where Y/N was adopted and found a diary where Miss Mina, who was the owner of that center wrote."

"In that diary everything was written like how she was adopted after Hyeri was adopted. And then Hyeri went to the U.S with her adoptive parents." Everyone looked shocked. "And now I regret bullying
Y/N and want to make up with her. I was wrong. I shouldn't have assumed things before knowing the truth"

"It's ok Taehyung, the important thing is you know the truth and are sorry for what you have done in the past." Namjoon hyung said. "Yeah hyung, and I also asked Y/N for a date and she said yes." I said. Everyone looked happy. "Congratulations Taehyung." Suga hyung said while yawning.

"Thanks hyung, now I should go or else I will be late." I said and exited the house. I saw how Jungkook looked unhappy. I don't know what's going on in his mind. I just shrugged it off and went home to get ready.

Jungkook POV

I was really shocked by the truth that Y/N is Hyeri's twin sister. I don't know why but my heart really broke when hyung said he asked Y/N for a date. I really like Y/N . And I want to make her mine. I purposely messaged Y/N to teach me some lessons. What if she likes me too? And cancel her date with hyung.


Sooo yeah, to the all people who guessed it right, congratulations!!!!

And this is the history and information of how Hyeri and Y/N are related. Hope you like it!!!
Keep on supporting!!

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