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Diana sat in the middle of Shaun and Katy, her shoulders touching both of them. From the corner of her eyes, she caught a man staring at her. He sat at the back of the bus, a large jacket covering his body. She held his stare until he looked away. Diana inhaled as her heart began to beat a little faster, panic stiffened her body. She couldn't help herself as she scanned the rest of the bus, analysing their innocence. Shaun notice how she shifted uncomfortably in her seat and softly grabbed her hand. She gave him a small smile, threading her fingers with his.

"Look. Look at that. Look at that girl," Katy began loudly, pointing to a girl across from where they were sitting. The woman was frantically typing on her laptop, "She's writing a research paper on a bus."


"That is exactly the daughter my mum wishes came out of her vagina," Diana chuckled and gave Katy a high five. The girl awkwardly glanced over at them and Shaun gave her an apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry about her," suddenly, a man came up to them, grabbing the pole closest to them, effectively taking the attention away from the girl. He stood a little too close to comfort and Diana noticed how tense the man was. The trio hesitantly glanced at each other watching his face turn into a sneer.

"How's it going?" Shaun asked uncomfortably.

"Give me the pendant," he demanded, almost in a snake-like tone. His eyes darted to both Diana and Katy, "And no one gets hurt."

"Do you know this guy?" Katy asked while Shaun tightened his grip on Diana's fingers. He shook his head at Katy's question.

"I don't know what you're talking about dude," Shaun lied. The man reached out to grab the pendant yet Shaun swiftly blocked his arm, making him stand up, wanting to put distance between them. However, he backed up into two more men who grabbed his arms.

"Whoa," Katy exclaimed as she and Diana stood up, "What is wrong with you, asshole?"

"I don't want any trouble," Shaun stressed, sternly.

"Then give us the pendant."

"You have the wrong guy," Katy yelled. "Does he look like he can fight? C'mon, bro!" The man harshly pushed Katy back into her seat. Diana made sure Katy was okay while Shaun let his anger take over when he punched the man in the face and roughly kicked his stomach.

"You okay?" Shaun turned to Katy, but she didn't get a chance to respond before two other men came into view. Before they could grab onto him, Diana yanked the first dude into the other. She kicked his stomach and dodged the second one's attacks. Elbowing him in the face, they backed down.

"I'll help," she began, turning to her friends who stared at her in shock, "Look out!" She pushed Shaun out of the way just as a punch from behind, barely missed him. Diana leapt forward, going after the man Shaun had punched to the floor. She dodged his kick, grabbing his foot and pulling him down. She jerked her head back as he tried to punch her face.

"Why do you want his pendant?" She inquired.

"Ask your pretty little boyfriend," he spat out, a smirk growing on his face. He took her confusion as a distraction, kicking her square in the stomach. She fell over, hitting her head on one of the seats. His smirk grew out of satisfaction and he left her to help his comrades. As she watched him go, she realised she was just a drawback in their plan to get Shaun.

"Yo, what up, y'all? It's your boy Klev, coming at you live on the bus."

She groaned as she lifted her head, watching as more men tried to overrun Shaun. She felt a hand on her shoulder, relaxing as she saw Katy's concerned face.

"What are you doing?"

"Saving his ass," she said wearily, Katy pulled the black hair girl up and she submerged herself back into the fight. She dodged another man's attack and punched him in the stomach. He fell over as she swung her leg out and tripped him over. Locking eyes with the man at the back, she noticed how he seemed to be enjoying himself, contrasting to the terrified passengers. Thinking little of it, she glanced at Shaun as she stood in the back of the bus. He got pushed into a seat and gave a small wave and smile to a terrified passenger. Though two men at the front caught his eye, he punched both of them at the same time, jumping up and kicking them, doing the splits in mid-air.

"Holy shit," Katy exclaimed, "Who are you?" Shaun let his shoulders drop as he stared at Katy.

"We should probably get off." 

[796 words]

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