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It was morning now and the car had stopped in front of a bamboo forest. Tall thick shoots covered the forest from peering eyes. Birds were chirping and leaves were rustling. Zoning out to their conversation, Diana rested her head on Shang's shoulder. Shang looked down at the girl, her eyes were dark, almost as if she was in another world. He quickly put an arm around her shoulder and gently brushed some of her hair out of the way. Diana snapped out of her trance and gave Shang a smile that didn't quite meet her eyes.

"Oh, you can go," Trevour stated while Morris squawked.


"Go. You can go. He says 'go,'" Trevour rambled. Turning back to the forest, Katy's mouth hung wide as an opening appeared. Slowly pressing her foot on the accelerator pedal, the car began to move forward. Diana admired how beautiful the forest is, though her hands were sweating and her thoughts were running. Tall bamboo leaves covered up the contents of the forest and it was hard to even see 5 metres into the thick shoots.

"You should speed up," Trevour commented, translating Morris' words.

"What? Why?" Katy questioned, confused. Looking backwards, the forest quickly began closing up, eating up the path. The light from the entrance disappeared and everyone began to panic.

"Katy! Go, go go!" Shang yelled. With the car speeding up, Diana watched as the bamboo forest began to blur. The forest parted for them and closed behind them, making both Shang and Xialing worried about the little bubble they were trapped in.

"Morris says hard right on 3."



"Hard right where?" Shang questioned, looking at the bamboo that covered their path. Adrenaline began pumping in their bodies as panic started to quickly seep through.

"Now," Katy turned the car and as quickly as the forest closed, an opening appeared.

"And left," with the fast movements, Diana was lurched into Shang who held on tightly to the passenger seat's headrest.

"It's all about staying in the pocket," Trevour began.

"What pocket?"

"We're in it now," he replied calmly.

"What happens if we don't stay in the pocket?" Shang queried, asking the question no one brave enough to ask.

"The forest eats us."

"Eat us? What does that mean?" Shang puzzled, exasperated.

"He says it eats us. Go left."

"Watch your back," looking back, the forest began catching up on the car.

"Stay in the pocket," Trevour ordered.

"How close is it?"

"5 metres," Xialing answered, her eyes wide.

"Stay in the pocket," Trevour repeated over the commotion.

"What is that in feet?"

"Really close," Diana stressed.

"Stay in the pocket."

"Will you just stop saying 'stay in the pocket?'" Katy chastised, frustration in her voice.

"One last right then straight on to the end," Trevour ordered patiently, contrasting to everyone else's emotions. Katy pressed harder on the acceleration pedal and the car swung right. Nearing the end, their path began to slim, squeezing onto the car, "You might want to hurry up."

"What do you think I'm doing?" the pocket was quickly getting thinner, almost touching the car doors as the car flew through the forest.

"We're not going to make it," Xialing commented, watching as the rear view mirror flew off the car. In the blink of an eye, the bamboo covered the exist. With no time to reaction, they were still going full speed into a wall of bamboo. Diana squeezed her eyes shut, waiting for impact. But it never came. They pushed through the bamboo, arriving at a clearing - one where Diana had a faint memory of. Water splashed the car as a waterfall stood in front of them. They emerged into a shallow lake, filled with rocks. Two large carvings of dragons guarded the waterfall as trees and greenery littered the grounds.

"Morris says, Great job everyone," Trevour praised, "Now all we have to do is go through that waterfall and we're pretty much there," everyone stared at Trevour as they cooled downed their racing heartbeat. Katy was slow on the pedal, the car bumped around a few times as it went over uneven surfaces. After going through the waterfall, the water surrounding them began to rise, just like it once had in Wenwu's garden. Morris cooed as the water danced around slowly. Within another moment, the water around them began to move backwards, transporting them through a portal and into a cave.

The cave glistened with stones that shone and it wasn't long until sunlight began to pour out. Diana narrowed her eyes at the light but smiled when she saw that they made it. The scenery was beautiful, it had only grown out more and more since the last time she was here. She watched as her friends stared at the plants and creatures in wonder, it was their fairy tale come true after all.

"Bloody hell," Trevour let out as creatures flew past them, "I think those birds are on fire," Diana let out a silent chuckle, soaking up what she once left behind.

While they continued down the path, Diana thought about the people she had left behind and she thought about the connections she made with the people in the car with her. She thought about how Katy was her best friend and nothing that ever happened could change that. She thought about how Xialing was the coolest person that she had ever been acquainted too. Glancing at Shang, she thought about how he was always there when she needed him, how she loved the way his face lit up and the way she smiled when he smiled. A familiar warm feeling grew in her chest.

"Oh dear god, this can not be happening right now."

[941 words]


tbh, i've been working on another fanfic and completely disregarded this one... but im back. sorry for the long as wait.


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