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"You run this place?" Shaun queried, cleaning his nose as his sister leaned against her desk.

"I own it," she affirmed before pressing a button, letting Diana and Katy in. Diana glanced around, eyeing the two guards standing stiffly behind Xialing while Katy walked in holding a large sum of money.

"Where did you get all that money?" Shang froze when he realised, "Did you bet against me?"

"No," Katy faltered. Both girls looked at each other like they had been caught doing something bad by their parents. Shang looked away, annoyed as Katy stepped towards Xialing.

"Hi Xialing, I'm Katy and this is Diana," Diana waved awkwardly as Katy introduced her. To her relief, she received a small smile back, "You're like such a badass. Everything you do is so cool," Diana nodded as they made their way to the couch. Diana looked at Shang. For just getting beaten up, he looked pretty fine.

"I like your pants," Xialing complimented, Shang rolled his eyes at the interaction, annoyed that his friends could get a more positive reaction than he could. Katy almost melted as she blushed at the compliment.

"What do you want?" Xialing said, turning to Shang. Her voice cold again. Shang explained what happened on the Bus and his theory. She subconsciously held onto her pendant as he mentioned that their father took his.

"You know what he said to me when he left?" She said turning her attention to the two girls, her face growing into a cynical smirk, "I'll be back in three days. And after three days, I went to our mom's shrine and waited, three days turned into a week, a week turned into a month, a month turned into 6 years," Shang's shoulders dropped as his guilt arose, "That's how long it took me to realise I didn't need him anymore," she continued, turning back to Shang, "I built this place on my own, I didn't need you then and I don't need you now."

"Then why would you send me the postcard?" he asked out of confusion.

"What postcard?" Shang grabbed a card from his pocket and handed it to his sister, "I didn't send you this," a distant explosion came along with screams. Xialing frustratedly shoved the postcard into Shang's chest. They all turned to the glass windows, chaos encompassed the floor. Civilians ran as one by one Xialing's guards were taken down.

"Is there a back exit?" the trio stood up from the couch, almost jolting to their feet.

"Shang," Diana said pointing at where Xialing was going. Xialing and Jon Jon had gotten into a hidden door that was closing up. Shang's heart sank as his sister disappeared from his sight.

"Hey. Hey! Open up!" Shang banged on the door, hoping to get it open.

"She's gone dude," Katy insisted, looking at the security cameras. They all turned to the window, only to find razor blade man staring them down. They had little time before he would reach them. "What do we do?" Katy fretted, panicking, "What do we do?" Shang suddenly grabbed an object and smashed it against the window causing it to break.

"Come on," he pleaded, holding a hand out for the both of them. Diana slowly guided Katy towards the edge, the poor girl frozen in her fear.

"No. Hell no. I'm not doing this," Katy responded pushing Diana's hand off her shoulder.

"If we can make it to the elevator, we can hop on the next floor," he was a quick thinker, Diana would give him props for that. The screams and explosions had gotten closer and closer with every second, "Katy we have to go now," she hesitated before grabbing onto his hand as he pulled her forward, almost slipping but he caught her by the waist. While Katy was slowly moving along the scaffolding, Diana searched for something useful in the drawers that were close by. In one of the draws, she found a small blade that was used for decoration. It sat nicely on top of a table.

'This will do,' she thought to herself before making her way over to Shang. A window was broken from a floor ahead. 3 guys in armour looked down on them.

"I'll buy you some time, just keep going."

"We'll buy you some time," Diana corrected Shang, not waiting for his response as she slashed her blade at an upcoming guy, "Katy go! We'll catch up."

Diana kicked a man off the pole before jumping up and flipping herself onto a higher level while Shang fought three levels below. Disarming a man, she stole his metal rod and shoved it into the chest of an upcoming enemy. Diana looked down when she heard yelling. Katy was hanging off a bamboo pole, screaming for her life.

"Katy!" Diana shouted. The bamboo structure was failing under her weight and Katy was inching closer and closer to falling. Diana wanted to scream. There were just too many people surrounding her. No matter how hard she tried, she could not get towards Katy without another appearing. Her heart was pounding out of her chest as her friend was hanging on for her life.

To her relief, Shang gripped Katy's arm as she slipped, holding her whole weight with his arm. Diana watched as he got shocked, subsequently dropping Katy. Time around her seemed to slow as she watched helplessly as gravity pulled Katy towards her death. Diana blocked out everything around her as she threw her blade at the man standing above Shang.

"Katy!" Shang and Diana screamed. Before Xialing caught her with her legs. They both crashed into the building's windows as Katy stared at Xialing. Diana flipped down to Shang's level, kicking opponents out of his way.

"You left us for dead!" Shang exclaimed angrily, pushing a man towards her.

"Now you know how it feels," she taunted, kicking the man in the face and pushing him off the scaffolding. Diana still had her baton that she stole, twirling it around in her hand. The weapon reminded her of something from her hometown. A memory of her younger self training with one played through her mind. She slashed at everyone that came her way, her attacks fuelled by the desire to protect the ones close to her. Shang tried to interrogate one of the men, holding him before he fell to his death. He barely got a question out before Xialing kicked him down.

"Did America make you soft?" She quipped, raising an eyebrow. An explosive device was placed on the window next to them, beeping loudly as it yearned to burst. Diana quickly pushed Shang out of the way, onto a wooden plank she saw nearby, as she hung onto a bamboo pole. A man dressed in a warrior's attire quickly made his way down to Xialing as she hung onto her life with one hand. As she was getting up, he stole her pendant and pushed her down.

"He has the pendant!" Xialing screamed at Shang. Without another thought, Shang ran after the man, recognising him from his childhood. Diana stared at the window Shang had disappeared into before flipping back down to Katy and Xialing.

"Are you okay?" She questioned, examining Katy for any wounds. Katy only nodded, too overwhelmed to put it into words.

"We should get out of here," Xialing began, helping Katy as Diana smashed a window with her baton. It wasn't long before they ran into a group of men. Diana noticed Machete Man from the bus and she tensed up, ready to fight as her body ached. Xialing placed a soft hand around her shoulder, shaking her head before glancing back. An older man stepped forward, his back straight and his steps carried elegance. He looked disapprovingly at Xialing before ordering his men. Two of them quickly stepped forward, grabbing each girl by the forearm and pushing them along. Diana noticed how for the first time, Xialing's head seemed to dip.

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