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"So, um, pretty confused right now because uh, initially I thought your dad should definitely see a therapist for his delusions," Katy confessed as they were stuck in the dungeons. The metal cell door had a small window that Shang kept looking out. Xialing leant on the wall while Diana sat on the floor with Katy, "But then that dragon vomited a magical water map and now I have no idea what's real. Is what he said about your mom's village true?"

"No. It's not," Katy and Shang both turned to Diana. Diana smiled tightly as she avoided both their gazes.

"You're from there, aren't you?" Xialing asked, breaking the silence as Diana's two friends stared at her in shock.

"What?" Katy and Shang chorused together.

"Look, I couldn't tell you when you asked on the plane. I just..." she couldn't continue her sentence, "It's a secret village for a reason," she shrugged under the stares of her friends.

"You lied to us?" Katy wondered, her face full of shock.

"No, not technically. Everything I said on that plane ride was true."

"But you lied about where you came from," Katy challenged.

"No, I left that part out. They are two very different things," she retorted.

"You're from Ta-Lo?" Shang queried, his face softer now, "She used to tell us stories about Ta-Lo when we were kids. A village in another dimension full of magical creatures. I thought it was just a fairy tale."

"Oh, my god," Diana let out as she quickly stood up, "I have to warn them. If I don't, your father will destroy everything. We need to get out of here now,"

"And we will," he put his hands on her shoulders as she started up at him with wide eyes, "I'm not going to let him destroy Ta-Lo. That's everything that's left our of family."

"This family was destroyed a long time ago," Xialing smiled sadly. Before Shang could say anything else a muffled groan came from the other side of the tunnel.

"The hell is that?" Shang puzzled.

"You're going towards the noise?" Katy shuddered but nonetheless, she followed Diana along the stone wall as Xialing held Shang back.

"Your girlfriend keeps getting more and more interesting," Xialing commented.

"I'm not dating Diana," Shang stammered, his face turning red.

"Uh Huh."

The end of the corridor was dark, dimly lit by a half-open door. Diana slowly peeked into the room. It looked like a theatre dressing room. Costumes and props were scattered across the area. Candles and faint light bulbs lit up the room. A man was standing behind a vanity, practising lines from Shakespeare. He noticed their reflections in the hazy mirror and turned around.

"Oh, Hello loves. What year is it?"

"Who are you?" Katy asked the question that they all needed an answer from.

"Trevour? Slattery?" The man replied, his accent thick in his words. He then explained his story but a little movement caught Diana's eye and a familiar sound came from that area. Diana smiled to herself, surely it couldn't be here. Right?

A grey creature came out of the shadows and ran up to Diana as she smiled.

"Oh my god!"

"What the hell!"

"What is that?" Shang screamed pointing at the Dijiang, who was currently running around Diana's legs.

"What's what?" Trevour asked, confused.

"That thing."

"That, that, what is it?" The Dijiang cooed, tilting his head at the duo. It ran back to Trevour and started climbing his leg.

"You can see Morris?" Trevor exclaimed, happily. Hugging the Dijiang, Trevour celebrated. Diana looked up at Shang with an amused expression and raised an eyebrow as she caught his gaze. Her two friend's reaction was something she wanted to savour forever.

"Where's its face?" Katy asked. Morris growled at Katy, receiving a shush from Trevour.

"He's a bit sensitive about that," Trevour announced and Katy nodded, still shocked by the creature. The creature cooed, talking to Trevour.

"Morris says he knows who you are."

"You can speak to it?" Diana asked, amazed.

"If he didn't talk to me, I'd gone mad yonks ago," Morris walked up to Shang, climbing at his legs.

"How would he know me?" Shang asked softly.

"He says he grew up with your mum. In Ta Lo," Morris purred as Shang knelt down and rubbed his feathers, "He wants you to take him home."

"Believe me buddy I would if I knew how," Shang says truthfully and Morris excitedly hopped back to Trevour.

"Morris says he can guide you there right now. But it's very dangerous."

"Morris is 90% confident, oh wait. 19%," Trevour chuckled at his mistake, not knowing the effect it had.

"Even if we could, we're still locked here in-" Xialing suddenly burst through the wall, breaking it down.

"Escaped through the tunnel system last time," Xialing began, answering all their questions. She looked over at Trevour, spotting Morris before looking back at the three of them with a confused expression to which Diana just shrugged.

Quickly following Xialing they made it to the garage. Xialing grabbed a key and threw it to Katy before taking the whole box with them. Shang was giving out instructions to Katy while they walked into the car. He opened the front passenger seat only to find Trevour sitting there with Morris.

"Do you mind? I get sick in the back," Shang sighed before moving to the back.

"Dibs not middle," Diana offered quickly. Shang stared at her for a moment before giving in and getting in the car, taking the middle seat. As soon as they made it up the ramp, an alarm sounded. Turning the corner, 4 vehicles blocked their exit. Katy swore before changing the car into reverse and speeding backwards.

"There's another exit at the other end of the garage," Xialing shouted, "But we need a fingerprint to open it," Katy quickly swerved and made a fast U-turn before accelerating forwards. The motorbikes quickly followed and caught up with their car.

"Incoming!" Shang yelled, putting a protective hand against Diana's shoulder and making her lean away from the window that was being smashed. Xialing got out of the car and smacked the driver in the head as she fought off her side while Diana fought off hers. She quickly grabbed the man on the back, holding him in a lock and disarming him. She threw his baton into the wheel of the motorbike and caused it to crash. She dragged the man back inside who was trying to get out. Pulling his helmet off and she punched him square in the head, he quickly fell unconscious and collapsed into Diana's arms. Ignoring all of Katy's yells, she took off his gloves and thrust his hand onto the scanner.

"Access approved," Diana quickly shut the door onto an oncoming car. She threw the man out and slumped back onto her seat trying to catch her breath.

"Your girlfriend's pretty cool," Xialing muttered with a smirk as Shang rolled his eyes.

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