Chapter 25: Sticks

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Chapter 25: Sticks

"All right, now everybody pair up" I yelled in command and waited 10 seconds as everybody paired up with a boy or girl. "Now, you are going to try and tackle your partner. Just tackle, I don't want any punches or kicks. Is that clear?"

"Yes Luna" The pack yelled back and immediately started doing what I told them.

I somehow convinced Xavier to let me train the pack. He only let me train the ones from 10-16 years which was really cool.

I stretched my back and almost fell down on the floor. "Fuck" I muttered trying to massage my whole back.

"Luna, are you okay?" Lucy, one of the female guards asked, helping me back on my feet.

"not really, thanks Lucy. I think you should continue the section today" I whispered, groaning.

This is so not fucking normal.

I ran the fastest I could towards the house and into my room. I threw myself in the bed and immediately relaxed when my muscles tightened and then let loose.

"Emma, why are you here?" Cecilia asked opening the door. I am not even going to ask what she's doing here, because I simply don't have the energy. "I thought you were training today" She said concerned.

"I was but my back hurts a lot" I answered the pain slowly decreasing.

"Do you need anything at all?" She said and my eyes opened up.

"Yeah, I'm kind of hungry. If you don't mind" I answered her with my puppy dog eyes.

"I'm doing it because I'm hungry too, not because you asked me to" She said shutting the door after leaving the room.

'Sure you did' I mindlink her.

I laid my head on the pillow and closed my eyes. I woke up to the most disgusting smell I have ever smelt.

I sat up, ignoring the pain to see Cecilia with food in her hands. "What the hell's that?" I almost yelled at her pinching my nose.

"What's wrong with it?" She said taking a bite of it.

"It smells dis-" I couldn't finish because I felt my breakfast rising up my throat. I jumped from the bed and ran to the bathroom, opening the toilet seat and emptying my stomach.

Cecilia came beside me and grabbed my hair pulling it out of my face.

"Emma" She said nervously.

"Yeah" I croaked taking the towel and wiping my mouth with it.

"I think you should take the test" She muttered standing behind me.

"What test?" "To see if you're pregnant" She answered making my eyes practically fall out of my sockets.

"I can't be pregnant" I said shaking my head.

"But let's just be sure" She said "I'm going to the store to buy some. I'll be right back"

I laid on the bed as soft tears can rolling down my cheeks. I can't be pregnant we used protection, all the times. He was specific about that, he told me that he didn't want to bring a child into this world until we were both older and knew how to handle it. Plus, there's the whole unsolved thing about Ethan and the guy with red eyes.

While waiting for Cecilia, I changed from my fighting outfit to a pair of my favorite sweat pants and a black tee.

"I'm back!" Cecilia yelled storming into the room. She threw me three different pregnancy sticks, I quickly took them and went to the bathroom. After peeing on each stick I left them face up on the sink and went out. The waiting time is 2 minutes so we'll just have to wait and that's when I exploded.

"Oh my god Cecilia, what if I'm pregnant? What am I going to do? I can't tell Xavier, he's going to kill me and I just can't deal with that. He'll probably kick me off and find another mate that will wait. Oh my god, I'm going to be a single mother. Then probably Ethan is going to find me and make me kill my baby. And I don't want to kill the baby. He's my baby and I rather die than kill him" I didn't notice I was bawling my eyes out until Cecilia gave me a napkin.

"The two minutes are up" She said making me gasp. I quickly wiped my tears away.

This is it. I walked slowly to the sink and almost fainted when I saw the results.

"I'm pregnant"

"This is your world. Shape it or someone else will"

- Gary Lew

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