Twist of Fate Part 2

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"This is your stop Issei-kun." Irina's mother noticed that weren't paying attention, even after she said her statement. She really didn't want to break them up, but it was now or never...

Never was never an option...

"Hey, Issei," She spoke louder to gain his attention. "We're at your house." She say him frown slightly before smiling.

"Okay! I got it! Ima go ask my parents!" He hopped out the car and ran towards his front door, where his parents were waiting since they heard the car pull up in the driveway.

Issei smiled as brilliantly as he could and stared his parents. Then he mustered the most cutest and undeniable voice he could gather before speaking. "Umm, Okaa-san, Otou-san, can I go to Europe with Irina?"

The parents of Issei looked at each other. Both their expressions held different emotions. The father held forged serious and the mother held a worried look.

"No." The father's tone was gravely serious and first time Issei has ever heard him speak in such a way.


"It's the same answer, Issei." As the male, Masaru, spoke, Issei's mother, Megumi, bit her lip and worriedly looked back and forth between them.

Issei turned to the ground and let his hair overshadow his face. "Got it..." From there, he mourned his lose and trudged himself in his house, to his room.

She worried for the both of them. It was his first time acting such a way because parents do regret what they do and how. For the both of them, they were still learning on how to raise a child. Whether they were doing something wrong or not, they would not know. Being without other family did have it downfalls, especially when it wasn't voluntary. "Masaru, don't you think that was a bit too harsh..."

"...I'm sorry, the fishing rod just came to mind and I-I just spoke... I didn't mean to be so harsh... Sorry..." Masaru looked away, it wasn't manly to show tear, now was it... "But still, he did need to get the answer straight."

The clouds ahead rumbled, signaling a storm coming. "I just hope he doesn't change... He already doesn't like fishing you know..." Megumi started to head inside.

"Right..." Whether it was to the first, second or both parts of her speech, she didn't know. She could only hope, it didn't affect the whole family's relationship. However, when she went inside the house, she saw his lips move but didn't hear his voice. "...Sorry..."

*CRACK!* The storm started with a spectacular entrance.

"Sorry..." From there he headed inside his adobe after waving off the Shidou's car.


Issei was home alone since his parents left him alone. Even still, they wondered if it was okay to leave the child home by himself, especially at his age. He began to leave the door and spoke to no one in particular, "Otou-san, Okaa-san, I'm going to the park..." The park where I played with Irina... The name after I think about it, was rather girly... Pictures of Iri-chan flashed in her mind. He did have girly eyes and wasn't able to take baths with him. But that could be because of the Christian things or whatever...

"Ise-kun!" Isn't that...

"Iri-chan? Wha-!" He pulled me into a big hug.

"This is going to be the last time I see you, Ise! I want to have the most fun ever!" Girls don't act this way...

I'll ask him later... "Let's go!"


It was getting down by the time they stopped.

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