The Beginning Of Change 4(1)

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[LightNovel Spoilers: Only Warning]

: Earth : About Two Days Before Issei's Awaking :

"Issei! Gabriel!" It was getting late... However, Megumi couldn't help but feel that something was up. She went away from her husband. "Issei!" Where are you?


"Ise... I can't find him!" Megumi yelled as franticly searched for him. Her eyes swelled with tears. There was no trace of the two children. Nothing. No trail, no camera feed, no blood. Nothing. While there was no blood, it didn't help that she couldn't find either of the two children.

She fell to her knees on the harsh stone pavement. Her pink and white checked skirt did not protect her knees since it was forced up as Megumi fell in pure despair, and came down around her. She felt the dull pain flash throughout her body, but that pain was nothing compared to the pain of losing her child. Her only child and last. Losing a child for a third time.

Her vision blurred, almost blindingly so, as she felt her head spin. Her world was like a wet painting being spun, losing color, shape and meaning.

It reminded her of the first time she had a child.

It ended, tragically. A miscarriage. She and her husband knew they were ready for a child and really wanted it and yet, no avail.

Thereafter, she was determined to have a child, she and her beloved husband. From that moment on until her next delivery, they searched everything to gain the knowledge as to how to have the "perfect" delivery.

Holding her husband's hand, she grunted as she felt her 'child' leave the safe confines of her body. For a second time.

Again, she still failed. For a second time.

Unable to hold back her tears, she cried, not because she was weak-hearted but because she was strong for far too long.

She was absolutely devastated. Her sincere effort was faced with yet another failure. Two lives that could've been, never were... She knew she did everything right both times, yet! Her mistake, whatever it may have been, ended both lives that could have been her child. Sisters, even.

It was about a year when she decided she wanted to try again. She was on her last try, figuratively and somewhat literally. She was found to have a few number of eggs that could be fertilized, after a tragic accident that killed her brother. Her gland was to never mend nor could it have been.

Her hands grasped her husband as she felt herself warm with worries. Her husband smiled, tightening his hold. "It'll work," he simply said. It has to, was what each other knew they were thinking.

Thus, her son, her dearly loved son, Hyoudou Issei was birthed and showered with love. Yet, the regret of failing to deliver a child, moreover two, scarred her, severely. Even to that day, she didn't want another child in fear of killing the could-have-been child that could've been hers.

Nevertheless, it only furthered the fact that she failed to protect her child. He was nowhere to be found. She couldn't have felt more devastated. She wanted to barf, hurl, yell, scream, cry, sob, search 'til next day's daybreak, and yet, give up at the same time, despite everything, she bitterly added. The last choice was fairly attractive, yet, were so the others. However, she wouldn't dare. She couldn't do that to her beloved son. To her husband that also shared her fears and joy.


She couldn't abandon him after all she has done, all her husband done along with her. She couldn't lose him after all she's done.

"Megumi..." Strong yet gentle arms wrapped around her waist. "...There isn't much more we can do." Even though his voice was strong and blunt, she knew it was for her sake. "I have already contacted the police. So, let's go home." He stopped and strengthened his hold and rubbed her head with his chin. "At least until tomorrow," he added as his wife leaned back into him.

"...Masaru... I..." She covered his arms and hands with her own, fondly rubbing them, as her tears fell at a quickening rate.

"I feel the same." She felt something wet fall upon the back of her neck, sliding slowly as it was absorbed into her skin. He was crying right alongside her. As always. "You'll never be alone."

Lovely Angel (High School DxD)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora