The Beginning of Change 5 (1)

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|: Two Weeks After - Night : {Masaru} :|


From behind his modest nightgown-covered wife, Masaru embraced his beloved 'angel' as he got into bed.

"Why does he feel... different?" Even the half-naked Masaru wasn't sure what exactly he was feeling around his son. It just felt strangely odd being near him, and he hadn't said a word since his return in fear of reminding his wife.

Megumi, in turn, bit her lip, unsure what to say. "I'm not too sure if I understand either, but his 'radiance,' it's... stronger?"

Masaru laid silently, for a few moments before muttering, "...Gabriel... You may not realize, but Gabriel is a rather specific name, a name for the one of the greatest of my partial kin."

Megumi blinked. "I-"

Masaru "Hyoudou" was mostly human, and only a half angel, technically a miracle child. He was born in the Dimensional Gap, where his parents consumed their pure love, far from their original dimension. Even to that day, Masaru had no idea why he everything was everything but he grew up around his lone mother, a pure human, without questioning her judgement. She soon died since she succumbed to the strain of the Dimensional Gap, which Masaru had overcome by perfecting the spell for himself and his wife. Or, perhaps, it was his wife's power that prevented her from succumbing from the pain.

He was only seventeen, barely out of school one day, going back to his sick mother.

"Masaru... Y-Your father and I love you... " She gave him permission to go to the room where she had all but banned him from entering.

"...Masaru..." Megumi knew all about his past. She was a shrine princess, not maiden or priestess. Perhaps, she may only be a fourth-Godling, but she was much like a Halfling. That also partially explained her miscarriages, she soon learned, which only to push her not only limit her power but almost raze herself.

Unconsciously, he grasped his wife tighter, "He feels like her... I don't know how to describe it. That... Mittlet girl too..." He couldn't lose anything else; he could afford his wife to lose anything either. It went against his belief

"What do we do?" He couldn't let his family get dragged into the supernatural. All both of them wanted was a normal life.

Masaru only knew who to use his power for a few things. Two of which were a spell that hid his angelic aura, and a transport spell to a certain space. Other than those and the others he learned, he didn't need his powers. He didn't find it a necessity to understand them nor did he ever want to.

Megumi feared her unique powers. She ran from home, ran from her title as a "Shrine Princess," and ran into Masaru. Touching him had all but undid his seal, and started their eventful school year together.

Neither them were suited for the risk and nor did they want to. Training for the risk, would only... cause problems. Their high school life only added to that fact.

Megumi shook her head, leaning back against her lover, "...I want to ask Issei, I trust him, our beloved son." She smiled, at her thoughts, her mind drifted to her high school years, "Your being too paranoid, Masa-chan~"


"He is our son, if anything, I should reprimand you." Turning in his arms, Megumi hugged her husband, tears streaming down her face. "He's only been the same, if anything, the only thing I really notice is that he smiles more. Like I said before, we should thank Gabriel-chan."

She paused, allowing for a pain breath to slip from her lips. "I felt a cut in our link... I didn't say anything when I felt it... But I should've-"


"...Kaa-san, Tou-san?" Turning back, Masaru saw his cherished child, rub his eyes as if he just woke up. "Can I sleep with you?"

Glancing up and over to her son, Megumi rose from her spot, rubbing at her eyes much like Issei was. "Y-Yes, we would like that." She smiled at her son. Issei was dragging his red blanket, cutely looking at them with half-closed eyes.

"C-Can I get a pickup?" He raised his arms at his question, as if he expected a 'yes.'

"I got this, wait here, Mei." She pouted at the name though she couldn't really say anything. After all, she did called him Masa-chan.

Once he got his son in his arms, he aimed Issei to his wife. "Look at Kaa-san, isn't she pretty?" Megumi with her white nightgown simply sat watching the two boys interact. "Kaa-san could be the most beautiful woman in the world." She didn't have a large chest, but her lightly tan skin shined in the moonlight as her amber tresses laid over her left shoulder. It also framed her head perfectly.

"Kaa-san is pretty!" Issei said as his father placed him on the bed and soon was followed by his father.

Megumi's blush darkened as she heard her son describe her. "Come over here," with that she held her arms open.



Masaru smiled down towards his wife and child, who both slept soundly wrapped in his arms. In between his own and his wife's arms, Issei slept peacefully, moving every once and awhile.


Masaru couldn't sleep. Why, was what he couldn't understand as he felt a strong urge to go outside. He ignored it at first but he soon relented.


Welp This Probably What Happens When Issei Dreams about the Future

Welp This Probably What Happens When Issei Dreams about the Future

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