The Beginning of Change 5 (3)

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Before We Start Just wanting to say that Probably my favorite ship for Issei as for fanfic is with Irina since I actually like her in DxD and she underated too also with being few fanfic of her and Issei,wish their was more but hey at least we got this

|: Three Days Later - Late Afternoon : {Issei} :|

"Gabriel, eto... What do we do here?"

On a large rectangle plain of freshly cut grass, surrounded by various trees, Issei stood at the center, holding Gabriel's left hand.

"I'm going to teach you 'super powers!'" She smiled towards Issei. She waited for the excitement he was sure to give off.

Looking at his "guardian," Issei was jumping in childish anticipation. "What! Really! Like shoot dragon balls!"

She felt herself grow excite too, as his excitement was pretty much contagious. "Un!" She nodded. "Okay, Ise, come stand before me and close your eyes."

Issei obeyed and shut his eyes. "I did it."

She bent down to his height. "Think of the strongest thing you ever seen and really picture it." Immediately, the effect was instant. She saw Issei's brow furrow and his face twitch.

I wonder what he's thinking.

"Do you have it in your-"


Without realizing it, Issei whispered to himself, "That Red Dragon!" His left hand cut into the sky, shining red all the while, almost scaring Gabriel.

A red gantlet almost overtook his entire arm (since he's small, compared to his teen). The red draconian glove left his fingers exposed and a had two long yellow spikes coming out the side. A green gem glowed lightly on the backside of his hand.


Suddenly, he felt like he could do anything! "Whoa!" He looked at the red glove thing. "What is this?"

"...Ddraig..." Gabriel realized that Ddraig must've overexerted himself, helping her revive Issei. She smiled, gently, "Please rest if you need it..." Gabriel shook her head, clearing her thoughts. Issei, too busy ogling his arm, didn't notice the action. "It's a [Twice Critical], a [Sacred Gear]."

He looked out at her with a troubled face, "A sac-cred-what?"

"A [Sacred Gear], Ise." Before he could ask what it does, she spoke again, "It doubles your power for a certain amount of time."

"So, I could be super strong! That's totally awesome!" Issei started to run around and punching air like the hero, he saw that destroyed enemies with one punch! "Awesome!"

"But, if you become stronger, it becomes the [Boosted Gear]," she did owe Ddraig after all. If training Issei and his [Sacred Gear], sped up the awakening of the blood Legend, so be it. It would still also help Issei growth, and get him used to his powers, killing three stones with one. "It makes it so you will be able to double your power many times over."

"Really!" He huffed as he stopped before Gabriel.

"Okay, Ise!" She crouched down next to him. "Let's used your doubled powers and practice summoning your holy energies."

"Yatta! Let's!"

"Okay, to start summoning you should focus in your palms." Putting her hands together, cupping them, she nudged towards them with her head. "Like this."

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