The Beginning of Change Part 3

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"Rrrrggh..." Child Issei groaned lightly as he slowly wiped his eyes. His arms felt really dull and so did the rest of his body after he regained his sense of feeling, though rather slowly.

"Wha...?" The last thing Issei remember was... It took a moment to regain his memories. The last thing he remembered was the trees that surrounded Gabriel as her face was twisted in 'fear' and the blackness he couldn't see anything in.

However, he felt himself grow sad at remembering Gabriel's face. While he knew it was fear, he knew it was fear for him. Rather it was fear of what was happening to him. That was the only thing he could wrap his mind around. While he knew it was a variation of fear, he knew it wasn't technically "fear." It was some emotion he knew he hasn't learned yet.

However, that realization didn't help that he had caused the saddening emotion, somehow, in a way.

Or the fact that he can't remember ever coming to the divine place he currently resided in.

He slowly began to realize his surrounds and it made he think he was dreaming. He was literally surrounded by clouds, yet they did not give way to everything atop them, he himself above added to that fact. Within the cloud room, there were no objects but the really soft bed he was on. It felt as if he were literally surrounded by clouds as if his bed swallowed everything but his head. It was bright, like the sun-in-the-sky bright, yet that fact did not bother him. No rather, he felt empowered by the light. And even without any source of light sources that he knew of, the place lit where even all shades of darkness was chased out, eternally.

"Muuu~" That noise... He felt weird from the sound, he couldn't understand why though. He tried to shift but he was snugly trapped in something warm.

If that noise was there, that meant there had to be a person!"Umm..." He hesitantly started, tensely "Is someone there?"

"...Mmmm~" Something behind him shifted. So perhaps it wasn't just the heavenly bed that was making him feel so great. "Morning, Michael..." The rather familiar voice stopped suddenly and he was nearly shook off the bed. He heard the person gasp sharply before warm wetness hit his skin. "Ise! Issei! You're finally awake!" He blinked multiple times after he remembered the voice.

"...G-Gabriel-chan?"Issei held himself up by his childlike arms. He looked at the blanket-clad woman before him. She was crying, but with a smile.

It made his vision blur as he felt a burning sensation coming from his eyes. His nose was flooded by sudden heat and it led him to trying to wipe at his nose, fearing something would fall out. However, all was in vain. Yet it didn't deter him from trying anyway for he wasn't acting but feeling and allowed his body to do whatever in his steed.

Nonetheless, the realization of her being next to him in this 'heavenly' world made him think of the worst. "...A-Are we in H-Heaven?" Even after the the being had told him she would be fine.

She smiled, but he wasn't sure if in sadness or happiness as every image he saw was blurred. "Yes, we are."

I'm dead. ...I-I... I died. ...This is the "heaven," Iri-chan always talked about... Okaa-san, Otou-san, I hope you won't be mad at me... I'll be waiting for you here... Iri-chan... I hope you'll forget me. Issei smiled sadly because he understood that she would never ever forget him. At least, I'll see you here, you did say you would come here after all...

Issei paused to barely see the sniffing yet beautiful woman wipe her tears and smile his direction.

But... G-Gabriel-chan is here... That's n-not f-fair... not fair...

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