The Beginning Of Change 4(2)

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: Heaven : "Last Chapter's End"

Issei woke up without a shirt and with a weird sensation on his back. It was felt as if something was sticking out his back yet it felt as if it was always there and really delicate. He struggled against Gabriel's body in vain, trying to stretch. "Ano... G-Gabriel, are you awake?"

She snuggled closer to him, as her mouth opened to yawn quietly. She took a few moments to blink repeatedly since she wasn't used to awakening in such a comfortable position. "Mmm... Just a moment..." She stopped blinking and took in the face of the newly revived Angel, the first ever in centuries, only a few inches below her chin. "How are you, Ise?"

Issei furrowed his eyebrows at that. He wasn't too sure how to describe his weird sensation across his back. "My back feels... different." At that, she blinked in slight surprise.

She forgot to force close his wings back into his back, somehow. As a result, the wings were awkwardly position during their sleep. She smiled towards him, somewhat awkwardly. Gabriel lifted herself from the bed with one hand and the other kept the blanket held over her shoulders or at least from dropping below her shoulders.

She simply said, "Issei, you're an Angel." Then she released her own six pairs of wings and the ever-radiant halo atop her.

Issei gaped in surprise. He stared as the white feathers soared and swayed before hitting the floor or the bed. "D-Do I have those?" After all, she did say he was an angel.

Her smile grew, though she wasn't too sure why. "Of course, come, sit up." She used the arm that held her up and made the motion of lifting something. She waited, ever-patiently, ever-forgiving, not that she minded in the first place. It was her fault in the first place after all.

She smiled at the unbalance-ness he had as he rose. It made her remember the old times. Those times was when Angels were birthed or reincarnated left and right and struggled to even walk since they couldn't hide their wings within their back.

With perfectly right curiosity, Issei felt slightly complied to rise. He also felt warm in the face, slightly, as his chest hit the cooler air outside the perfectly warm blankets. He turned his neck, almost straining his neck, to look at his back. He had the same wings as Gabriel. However, he only had 2 pairs instead of six pairs of wings. "I have these?" He said in disbelief. Gabriel nodded, feeling proud, or whatever the feeling, it made her smile wider.

"You also have a halo above your head." She pointed above her head, at her own halo. "Each has their own specialized radiance. I have to say, your radiance is quite beautiful," She said as she leaned forward to inspect the halo. It was similar her own.

However, she has never felt such a connection to a halo like Issei's before. ...Maybe it was one of "perks" of being [King], to be able to tell who was "hers," not that she would consider them, "them" being those who she would used the cards on, her own.

Issei looked away from Gabriel after seeing something that made him blush heavily. His mother always said the chest area for a girl was special and sacred and shouldn't be seen unless they were willing to. And that he should look away if he did.

However, if he found that other "old" person in the park, it would've changed him in ways one couldn't comprehend.

He did exactly what his mother told him, yet he couldn't fight down the heat in his cheeks and almost couldn't fight the instinct to stare. "G-Gabriel, your c-chest..." However, he felt as if cold-water fell upon him, his thoughts were changed and warped. Yet, he felt natural, as if it always happened.

Gabriel blinked as she saw Issei's wings flicker. She looked down towards her chest. Her blanket had fallen from her chest she failed to realize. She giggled, softly. "Sorry," she said as she, with a wave of her hand, magically gained clothes on her body. "Come here, Ise, I'll put some clothes on you too."

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