Chapter 4: Saloon Sunsets

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You noticed someone standing a little ahead, next to a fence by the Saloon. You walked over to him, getting better at your introductions, and said, "Hi, my name is (Y/N)! I'm the new farmer!"

"Oh, hey." He turned to look at you, taking his eyes off of a large box in the center of the fenced area. "So you're the new guy, huh?" You nodded. "Cool. I'm Alex. I'll see you around." He turned away from you.

You started to head home when you noticed a young woman with shocking blue hair enter the saloon, closely followed by a lady with heavy makeup and fluffy yellow hair. You had remembered Mayor Lewis telling you that the Saloon got lively on Fridays, and you thought there was no better time to try it out. You debated for a moment if you should dare to try it out or if you should just go home and work on the garden as more people strolled up the steps into the saloon. If I don't check it out now, I probably never will.

You walked up to the Saloon and nervously opened the door. A big clock on the back wall showed the time as just after six, and the pub was abuzz with townsfolk. Through the crowd of people you were able to spot Mayor Lewis and Robin. Gus was working behind the bar with the blue-haired woman and you sat down to talk to him, next to a scrawny-looking man with glasses and a large green coat. "Hi, Gus." You smiled, flagging down the Saloon's owner.

"Oh, nice to see you in here, (Y/N)!" Gus waltzed over to you. "Would you like a drink tonight?"

"That sounds wonderful." You laughed. "It would be nice to relax on a Friday."

"I'll drink to that." The man next to you piped in quietly. He turned to you. "Are you new to Pelican Town or are you just visiting?"

"Ah, Harvey, this is (Y/N)." Gus introduced you. "She just moved into the old farm."
"It's a pleasure to meet you, (Y/N). I'm Harvey, the local doctor. I perform regular check-ups and medical procedures for all the residents of Pelican Town."

"That's nice." You smiled.

He nodded. "It's rewarding work. I hope you'll find your own work equally rewarding, in time."

You thanked him and turned back to Gus. "Let me get Emily over to take your drink orders." He called over to the barmaid with the vibrant hair. She quickly grabbed the beer she had poured and set it on the bar next to her. A pale hand emerged from the shadowed corner and quickly grabbed the drink, disappearing back into the darkness.

"What can I get you two started with?" You were startled back into reality by the kind barmaid's question. You didn't realize you had been staring at the shadowed figure.

"I would like a pale ale and a super meal if you have them today." The doctor said kindly.

"We do, is that all for you today?" She smiled. He nodded, looking back down at his lap. She turned to face you. "And for you?"

" you have wine?"

"Of course!" She chuckled. "We have a variety, what would you like?"

"Whatever is most convenient for you." You said quietly.

"Perfect. Anything to eat?" She asked. You shook your head. "Well, that will be right out for you." Before you could even notice she had left, there was a crystal glass of white wine in front of you. It appeared to have a very slight pink tint. You took a sip and refreshed in its sweet flavor. You wondered what it was, and decided to ask before you left.

You noticed some movement in the dark corner and looked over to see Gus throwing some logs onto a small flame burning in a large brick fireplace. Next to it stood a shadowed figure, standing under an enormous statue of a bear. As the fire grew you could see that it was drinking something from a pint glass and you stood up to see if you could get a better view. As you walked over and the room grew brighter, you recognized the figure as Shane, Marnie's nephew.

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