Chapter 37: A New Intimacy

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After showering at the Spa and getting dressed, you and Shane finally arrived home and instantly headed to the bedroom. You were both exhausted from making love together in the sauna and were excited to fall asleep in the comfort of each other's arms. Shane took no haste in gently pulling your oversized shirt off of you and carefully untying your swimsuit, letting it fall to the ground. You did the same for him, helping him take off his shirt and slowly untying his swim trunks.

After the two of you were both naked, Shane silently picked you up and carried you over to the bed, laying you down and crawling in next to you. You both lay on your sides, facing one another. Shane gently brushed some hair out of your face as his eyes looked over you. His hand rested gently on your hip before laying you down on your back and pulling you closer to him. He was still lying on his side, propped up on one arm and looking down at you. You reached your hand up to cup his face, which he gently leaned into.

"I love you, (Y/N)." He whispered as his eyes peered deeply into yours.

"I love you too, Shane." You whispered back. He gently reached up and held your hand to his face. "So much."

"Tonight has been perfect." He continued, talking very softly. "You have been perfect. I want you to know that I meant every word I wrote in that card. 'You've helped me turn my life into something I've only dreamed of.' I want this forever."

Your eyes were starting to tear up, but you managed to whisper a shaky, "Me too."

The moment, everything about this evening had been so intimate and pleasurable. Your time in the spa had happened so fast, yet time was passing so slowly as the two of you lay together. Shane's free hand continued to explore the curves of your body as the two of your locked eyes in a moment of pure happiness.

Shane gently moved his hand to your hair and slowly ran his fingers through it. You moved your hands down to Shane's chest and arms, taking in how he felt. This was an entirely new type of intimacy for the two of you. You brought your hand back up to his face and gently ran your thumb along his cheek. He still had some stubble, but it looked a lot more intentional and well kept now.

Lastly, you looked up at his eyes. He was staring back at you. You could barely hear as he whispered, "You have the most gorgeous eyes, (Y/N)."

"Thank you." You blushed. "I like your eyes, too."

"No, no." Shane shook his head, not breaking eye contact with you. "I don't think you understand, baby. I don't know how I haven't noticed them like this before. They're- they're stunning." His words warmed your heart. You didn't think of your eyes as particularly special or anything, but it made you so happy to hear the compliment.

You enjoyed the moment so much, but the question you needed to ask Shane burned in the back of your mind. You were positive he would want to come work on the farm, but for some reason, you were still really nervous to ask him. You knew you wouldn't be able to fully relax until you asked.

As if he could read your mind, Shane spoke. "What's wrong, chickpea?"

"Oh, uh, nothing." You smiled. "I just, uh-" This was your chance. "I had a question for you."

"Oh?" Your boyfriend replied, scooting closer as if it were possible to be closer than the two of you already were. "What is it?"

You took a deep breath. "Uh, well... things have been going really well on the farm lately. And things have been going really well with us lately, too. And there's a whole lot of work to be done every day here and I'm, uh, having a little trouble keeping up with it. I realized it would be a really good idea to hire someone to help on the farm, so I could make sure everything got done and maybe even add some more animals." You realized you were rambling and tried to slow your words. "I just, uh, I guess I'm asking if you want to come work on the farm? Full time?"

"Oh." Shane's voice sounded surprised, but not excited. You instantly started worrying. "I, uh, don't know about that, sweetheart."

It was like your heart sank to your stomach. "Wha- what do you mean?" You took a deep breath. "Do... do you not want to work on the farm... with me?" You felt that you were on the edge of tears and tried to recompose yourself.

"No, no! That's not what I meant!" Shane pulled you into a tight hug. "I would love that, more than anything." He cupped your face in his hand. "To spend all day working with you and helping out with the animals, baby, that's the dream." He kissed the top of your head. "I want that so much."

You pulled away to look up at him. "Then...what's stopping this?"

Shane sighed. "I'm just worried, a bit. That's all." He wiped a tear out from under your eyes. "I get that the farm is doing well now, but times will get pretty rough in the winter. It's your first year here and it'll be a little tough. We might end up relying on my income from JojaMart for a bit." He smiled at you. "I want this so much, and I'm really glad you do, too, (Y/N). I've just seen Marnie struggle with farming in the winter long enough to think we should probably wait before I quit my job."

You sniffled a little bit. "That makes sense." It broke your heart that Shane had turned you down, especially because you knew how much he hates working at JojaMart. Still, however, you understood where he was coming from. You had never experienced a Stardew Valley winter, let alone a winter on a farm. It only made sense to play it out before making any drastic change.

"And I'll gladly help you out when I get home from work and on the weekends." Your boyfriend smiled. "It would be more than worth it if that means we get more chickens." He laughed. "I just don't think it's a good idea to leave JojaMart right now. I don't want to put too much pressure on you and the farm. Plus, I have some pretty big plans for us in the future, and I think it'll be a good idea to save up as much as possible."

"Oh?" You raised a playful eyebrow. "What big plans do you have for us?"

Shane smirked a bit. "Well, ideally, I'd like to marry you one day."

Your heart fluttered when he said that, but you tried to keep your cool. "Well, I'd really like that, too."

"And I know we haven't talked about it, but I imagine we'll probably want to start a family down the road." Shane continued. "If you want to, of course"

"Yeah, I would like that." You smiled. It was nice to know that Shane thought about these things too. "I would like that a lot, actually."

"Good." Shane wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you into a kiss. The kiss didn't last long, but it was incredibly passionate. You felt Shane's touch as his hands roamed your body, taking in every curve and texture. "I love you, (Y/N)." Shane breathed into the kiss.

"I love you, too." You smiled, pulling away and cuddling up to your boyfriend.

"I guess it's probably time for bed." Shane reached over and turned off the lamp before pulling the blankets up over the two of you. "I've had such an amazing day with you, chickpea."

You flipped over so Shane was spooning you. Nothing felt as warm and safe as when he wrapped you in his arms and pulled you close. It helped distract you from the fact that Shane wasn't coming to work on the farm with you after all. You understood his reasons, but it still hurt. Instead of dwelling on it, you just relaxed into your boyfriend's warm embrace. "Goodnight, Shane. I love you."

"Mmm, I love you too." Your boyfriend mumbled, already falling asleep. You thought about what Shane had said about 'big plans for the future.' While starting a family wasn't something you wanted right now, you wouldn't be mad if getting married was in the cards for your near future. Shane wants it all too. You couldn't help but smile as you slowly drifted off to sleep in your loving boyfriend's embrace.

✏️ A/N: I am so sorry that this is coming out a day late! I did not realize yesterday was Sunday! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I am again so sorry that it is late. Next Sunday, July 24, 2022, will release Chapter 38: In A Flash. Thank you all so much for reading! xoxo Kira

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