Chapter 17: A Cold, Not Lonely Night

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Neither of you fell asleep, but you were both about to pass out by the time the bus returned to Pelican Town. "Let me walk you home." Shane said as you both climbed off the bus.

"Okay, that sounds good." You agreed as you shuffled along towards your farm. Shane wrapped his arm around your waist to keep you steady through your sleepiness.

Once you had arrived at the farmhouse, Shane walked you up the steps and inside. "Well," he said as he sat you down on the couch. "I should probably get going home." He let out a huge yawn as sleepiness began to take over his eyes.

"Shane, I think you're too tired to go home." You stopped him as he turned to leave. "Just spend the night here. I know you don't have work tomorrow, so there's nothing to worry about."

"I really don't want to inconvenience you." He said, coming over to the couch to sit with you. "You only have one bed."

"Sure, but I also have this couch." You patted the seat on your other side. "I can sleep here and you can have my bed. To be honest, it would worry me a lot more if you tried to travel at night while you're this sleepy."

"Fine," Shane laughed, tilting your chin up for a quick kiss. "I'll spend the night but only because you're so damn cute."

"Yay!" You cheered drowsily, earning another chuckle from Shane. "Do you need to call Marnie? You can borrow my phone." You pointed to the quaint red landline.

"No, it's okay. I told her that we probably wouldn't be back in the Valley until late and so she shouldn't wait up." He explained. "Plus, it's midnight. She's probably asleep already."

You nodded, taking the information in. "Well, let's get ready for bed then. I can hardly keep my eyes open."

"I'm noticing." Shane joked. "Where's your bathroom?"

You pointed to a door next to your bedroom. "Do you need some pajamas?"

"Yeah, do you have the ones I wore last time I was here?" He asked.

"Mhmm." You went to grab his clothes when you realized the pajama pants were missing. It suddenly dawned on you that you must have thrown them away when you had cleaned out your closet a few days before. You quickly returned to your patient boyfriend. "I'm so sorry, I only have this shirt."

"That's fine. I think I can make do with what I have." He chuckled lightly as he grabbed it from you. "Thanks again for letting me stay. I did not feel like walking home."

"I don't blame you." You left the room to go get some pillows and blankets off of your bed to use on the couch. You really wanted to sleep with Shane, cuddled into him warmly, but you didn't want to be too forward. You were just glad he wasn't wandering the farm and forest this late. You wandered back into the living room and set the bedding on your couch. Shane wasn't in the room, but the bathroom light was on so you assumed he was fine. You went back into your bedroom, put on your beloved silk pajamas, and neatly folded up Shane's jersey. "Here, where would you like me to put this?" You asked as you walked back into your living room.

To your slight surprise, Shane was laying on the couch with your blankets pulled cozily over him. "Huh?" He flipped onto his stomach, keeping the blankets wrapped around him as he rested his folded arms on the arm of the sofa, looking up at you with big eyes. His arms overflowed from the shirt sleeves and looking at him made something inside of you feel warm.

"Where do you want me to put your jersey, baby?" You asked him, ignoring how attractive he looked on the couch. His eyes lit up as you called him by a pet name. "You can keep it if you want." He smiled. "I have a feeling we'll be going to more gridball games in the future." You sweetly set it down on the chair beside you and walked over to Shane on the couch.

You crouched down on the ground next to his face and he flipped onto his side to look at you. "Shane, I thought I was gonna sleep on the couch."

"You knew I couldn't let you do that." He laughed. "Just go to bed, chickpea. I'll be good here."

He knew you too well. Pet names made your heart melt and you couldn't argue with him after that. He gently leaned over to kiss you goodnight and you stood up, heading back towards the bedroom. "Goodnight, Shane." You whispered as you turned off the farmhouse's lights.

You rolled into bed and pulled the blankets over you, wishing that Shane was in bed with you. You wanted to cuddle up into his arms so badly and have him hold you as you both fell asleep. You desired to feel his warmth against you as you shivered under the blankets. You closed your eyes to drift off to sleep, but you couldn't stop thinking about how lonely Shane must be and how badly you wanted him close. You quickly turned on your lamp as you stood up, your mind made, and walked back into the living room.

"Get in here." You said as you opened up the door.

"What?" Shane's voice asked through the dark. You turned on the lights and walked over to him. "Do you wanna come sleep in the bed with me?"

Shane looked up at you with bright eyes and quickly nodded. "Of course!" You pulled the blankets off of him but he grabbed them quickly, holding them down to his body.

"What?" You asked, startled.

"I...uh..." Shane looked at you sheepishly. "I'm just wearing boxers. My work pants aren't very comfortable to sleep in."

"Oh." You were a little shocked as you felt your eyes grow wide. It wasn't a big deal, but for some reason, the warmth inside of you flickered again. "That's not a problem with me if you're worried about that." You replied, calmly. "I'm just lonely in there and I'm sure the couch isn't that comfortable."

"Well, you're definitely right about the couch." He said, sitting up properly in the chair as he held the blankets to his lower half. "Let's go."

He gathered up the blankets and you grabbed the pillow as you both headed back to your room. You threw the pillow onto the bed, then quickly climbed on to join it. Shane set the blankets at the end of the bed and stood timidly in front of you.

He didn't have the "best" build in the world, but he was still hot to you. His biceps bulged through the t-shirt sleeves and it hugged him nicely around his slight beer belly. You started spreading out the blankets so he wouldn't tell that you were staring. He was wearing baby blue striped boxers that fit loosely around him, obscuring his manly parts. Your eyes kept wandering down as you saw his thick thighs and strong calves, which led to some white socks over his feet. He was big without being too fat, strong without being overly muscular. You were instantly obsessed and the warmth in your stomach spread lower, towards your legs.

Your heart raced with excitement as Shane lifted up the blankets and began to climb into the bed towards you. He paused with one leg propped up onto the bed. "Are you sure you want me to sleep in bed with you? Is this something you're okay with?" He asked.

"Well, I mean we are dating." You replied. "I just really want to cuddle with you some more. The bus ride home was so nice and I don't want it to end."

"Me neither, honey." He climbed into the bed and stretched his arms out to you. You slid over to him and he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into his chest. You slid your arms under his and wrapped them around him as well. He let out a content sigh, twisting over so he was resting on his back, holding you close to his body, your head propped on his shoulder.

"Goodnight, Shane." You whispered as you felt the sleep begin to overtake you.

"Night, chickpea." He reached his free arm over and turned off the lamp by your bed, leaving the both of you in darkness, only sensing each other through the touch of your bodies.

He gently tilted his neck and kissed the top of your head. "I love you, (Y/N)." He whispered into your hair.

He loves me. The words sent butterflies through your entire, exhausted body. "I love you too." You whispered back. Then, you promptly fell asleep, cuddled close into your boyfriend.

✏️ A/N: Hey! I hope you enjoyed this! Next week's chapter, Chapter 18: The First Morning, will be published next Sunday, March 13, 2022. Have a great week! 

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