Chapter 64: The Party Ploy

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You woke in the pitch darkness to the sound of your alarm going off. Huh. Why is the alarm beeping so early? You looked over to switch it off as a sharp pain struck your forehead. The rumblings of an intense hangover swirled in your head, and you rubbed your face trying to calm it. You looked back at the clock to see that it read 5:00am, Saturday Spring 20. SPRING 20! It was Shane's birthday!

That's why the alarm was set, so you could wake up early to make him breakfast in bed. "Whaaa-" you heard your husband groan next to you as the clock continued to ring. "What time is it? Why is the alar-"

"Shhhh, shh, shhhhhh..." You rubbed his arm while quickly silencing the alarm clock. "I accidentally set it for the wrong time. Go back to sleep, baby."

"Mmkay..." He mumbled and flipped over.

You waited to get out of bed until you could hear his soft snores, letting you know that he had swiftly fallen back asleep. You tiptoed out of the room, careful not to step on any of the creaky wooden boards of the old farmhouse floor. You managed to make it to the kitchen without a peep, thankfully, and began to pull out a large cast-iron skillet to begin making breakfast.

You had planned to make Shane's favorite: eggs, bacon, sausage, and biscuits, with grilled onions and peppers on the side. You had made a simple version of this many times before, but with the recent successes of the farm you were able to pull out all of the stops with fresh produce and high quality seasonings. Not to mention a fresh bottle of the hot sauce recipe Shane had been slowly perfecting with your garden's hot chilis.

You thought about the plans for the day. You had nearly forgotten in your mildly hungover state, but Marnie and you had teamed up to throw Shane a surprise birthday party tonight at the Ranch. You were under the assumption that she had gone ahead and invited most of the town, and to be honest, you were surprised no one had accidentally told your husband. She promised to take care of everything from the food to decorations to entertainment, as long as you undertook the difficult task of keeping Shane occupied all day and far from the Ranch.

Breakfast was made quickly and before you knew it you were setting everything on a tray to bring to your sleeping husband as the morning sun began to peak over the horizon.

"Morning, hot stuff." You heard from behind you while you were grabbing some silverware. Shane's voice had its sultry, deep morning grumble as he walked over to you. "Whatcha doing out of bed so early?"

"Nooo! Don't look!" You turned around quickly, taking your sweet husband by surprise. "You aren't supposed to be up yet! Go back to bed! Don't look! I have a surprise! Go back to sleep!"
"Okay, okay." He held his hands up in surrender and started tiptoeing back towards the bedroom. "I'll go back to bed." He smiled cheekily before disappearing.

You hurried to bring his breakfast into the bedroom, hoping the surprise hadn't been spoiled. Shane was graciously playing along, pretending to still be asleep. "Good morning, my love." You sat down and rubbed his arm. "Happy birthday!"

"Good morning." He sat up and pretended to yawn, stretching his arms out. "You're up early."

"The same can be said about you, mister." You grinned, teasingly. "Why would you wake up so early on your birthday? You're the king of sleeping in."

"True." He laughed. "But I set alarms every few hours to check on you all night. You were pretty gone when we got home."

"You did all that for me?"

Shane seemed a little surprised by your statement. "Of course. Always, baby." He smiled at you genuinely before he sarcastically said, "I don't know if I've told you this before, our wedding or something comes to mind, but you're kind of the most important thing in the world to me."

Shane X Female Reader - Stardew ValleyWhere stories live. Discover now