Chapter 59: A New, New Beginning

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You woke up the next morning, realizing that your honeymoon was coming to an end. Things had to be done on the farm and the two of you had plans to go to Marnie's house. She had invited the two of you over for the afternoon, and as much as you had wanted to stay cooped up on the farm alone together, you missed going to town and Shane needed to see his family.

"I forgot how much getting dressed sucks." Shane pouted, zipping up a pair of jeans. He walked over and slinked his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder. "Why can't we just stay here forever?"

You just smiled, completely understanding what he meant. It had been so amazing to spend pure, uninterrupted time with just Shane for the past several days. While the two of you missed your friends and family, there was something utterly magical about spending time with your husband without any distractions, doing whatever you wanted together.

Shane gave you a quick kiss on the cheek before continuing to get dressed. "We need to leave soon, okay?"

"Okay." You smiled as Shane quickly and playfully squeezed your butt before returning to get ready.

Before long, the two of you were walking across the farm toward Marnie's Ranch, obviously hand in hand. It only took you a few minutes, though neither of you was quite ready to accept the fact that your week of bliss was over. Shane kept reminding you, "...just because the honeymoon is officially over doesn't mean anything has to change." He gently raised his arm up, prompting you to spin around and into his chest. He wrapped his arms tightly around you and placed a little kiss on your head before spinning you back out.

His strong, callused fingers stayed locked around yours. The smooth, cool metal of his wedding ring felt just perfect nestled against your hand as you continued to walk towards the Ranch. You knew Shane was sad to leave the honeymoon behind, but as you got closer to Marnie's you could feel his excitement grow as he was about to see his aunt and goddaughter.

When the two of you finally reached Marnie's Ranch, Shane knocked on the door and stood back politely, waiting for someone to open it. You looked up at him puzzled, he had never stopped to knock here before. Reading your expression, Shane answered the question you had just thought to yourself. "Eh, it just feels different now that I don't live here. It would be weird to just barge in, right?"

"I mean, they know we're coming over, right?"

"That's a good point." Shane chuckled. "It's not that different now." He reached down to grab the doorknob when the large, wooden door swung open into the home.

Marnie stood there, a slightly perplexed guise over her features. "Oh, I figured it must have been someone else." She shook her head, waving the two of you inside eagerly. "You know you're always welcome to walk in here, whenever. No need to knock"

"I know." Shane smiled, rolling his eyes. You loved the moments when you got to see a glimpse of their relationship. Before you, Marnie had been the one constant in your husband's life. You appreciated her so much for that.

"I have to admit, it was rough going so long without seeing you two." The kind rancher shook her head. Her face suddenly turned to slight concern as she looked at you. "(Y/N), are you okay? You have a couple of big bruises on your neck. What happen-" She looked up at your husband, realizing mid-sentence what they were. "Shane!" 

You looked away, slightly embarrassed as you remembered the night before. You didn't know how you had missed them when you were getting ready. "What?" He laughed, wrapping an arm around your waist, pulling you in, and holding you tightly against his chest. "It's nothing, obviously." He put one of his large hands around your neck, obscuring the hickeys from her vision.

Shane X Female Reader - Stardew ValleyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz