Chapter 16: The Game

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When you woke up the next morning, you hurried through your farm work once again in order to have as much time as possible to get ready.

You quickly showered and started getting ready. You had no clue what to wear. You didn't have any Tunneler's paraphernalia, so the obvious options were out. The team had oddly specific colors of neon green and electric blue, so you didn't own any clothes to match. Eventually, you settled on a white tank top, black ripped jeans, and a denim jacket. You prayed the other team's colors weren't white and black.

After that, you did some quick makeup, curled your hair, and threw on some fashionable sneakers. Before you knew it, the clock on your wall read 4:00 PM. You needed to get to the bus stop early to purchase tickets, so you headed out.

After buying them, you talked to Pam until Shane appeared in the distance, coming in from his long day of work. He was wearing a Tunneler's jersey under his Joja Co. uniform jacket. As soon as he saw you, he picked up the pace to reach you and wrap you up into a big hug. You pulled away and he leaned in to kiss you. It felt so nice to be in his arms and kissing him made your heart soar. "Happy birthday, sweetheart." You smiled as your boyfriend pulled you close once more. You were glad Pam was already on the bus, your face must have been bright red. "I hope your 30s are absolutely wonderful." He mumbled his thanks.

You and Shane climbed on the bus and went to sit in your "usual" seat. Almost instantly, Pam closed the doors and started driving away. "Attention passengers," her voice boomed over the PA system. "The time is currently 5:04 PM. The expected arrival time in ZuZu City is 6:32 PM. Let's keep it PG, alright? Thank you and have a wonderful ride with us."

Your face heated up realizing she must have seen you and Shane's kiss. Not that it mattered, you just weren't used to the attention. You looked up at Shane, whose face was equally red. "A quick kiss won't hurt though, right?" He asked jokingly, leaning in again. You kissed him momentarily before cuddling into his side. He held you close to him and planted a kiss on your head.

"I like your jersey." You commented, realizing your outfit severely lacked team spirit. "I don't have any Tunneler's clothes to wear."

"I figured that would be the case." Shane laughed as he reached into his pocket. He pulled out a matching Tunneler's jersey. "Here, you can wear this tonight. It's my spare."

"Aww, thank you so much!" You said, taking the jersey from him. You held it up in front of you. It was bright green with blue and white accents, just like Shane's. It was also, however, much too large for you. Shane wasn't the skinniest guy out there, and jerseys are always especially baggy. "Let me put it on." You took off your jean jacket and put the jersey on over your tee shirt. It was definitely too big for you, and you sat in a puddle of green cloth.

"You look adorable." Shane laughed after seeing you. "Sometime we'll have to get you one that's a better fit, though."

"Thanks." You laughed embarrassedly. You scooted closer to him and he held out his arm to receive you. You cuddled into him and stayed like that for most of the ride to Zuzu City.

"We're almost there..." He gulped anxiously. "...pre-game nerves..." Once Pam pulled up to the Tunneler's stadium, you got out and made your way in. You stopped at a concession stand on the walk-in and you each got a beer and you got popcorn to split.

"Are you sure you should be drinking?" You asked Shane after hearing him order.

"Yeah, it's not a problem." He smiled reassuringly at you. "I'm just going to have one, I doubt it will affect me at all. I just kinda miss the taste of it."

"Okay, well you know your body best." You agreed. You made your way to your seats without any more stops. Shane continually freaked out about how cool it was that you guys were so close to the field. Shane quietly nursed his beer as the two of you watched the game. You had a hard time understanding it at first, but by the time the first half was over you understood that the teams were tied with one point each.

Shane X Female Reader - Stardew ValleyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang