Chapter 5: A New Day

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You woke up the next morning, lying on your couch with the worst headache. You started to remember bits and pieces of the night before as your face grew hot with embarrassment. It had probably been two years since you had let go and gotten drunk. The stress of the first week on the farm must have gotten the best of your judgment last night. The last thing that you remembered was falling asleep on the hardwood floor of your living room. How on Earth did I end up in bed? I must've woken up and come in here. You sat up and looked around for any sign of answers.

You took some pain relievers for your headache and brewed some tea as you started your day. You decided to make yourself breakfast and realized your parsnip might not stay good for much longer. Fried parsnip slices with hot sauce would be pretty delicious. You cooked and ate your breakfast, then changed out of your clothes from the night before. You looked around for your pack but it wasn't in its normal spot by the door. You spotted it next to the fireplace with a piece of paper on top. It read,


I wasn't going to come onto your property but I got worried that something would happen to you and I would be blamed for it. You didn't answer the door when I knocked so I came in and found you unconscious on the ground. I carried you to the bed and immediately left. Don't be mad, I tried to help. Sorry. Thanks for the beers last night. Bye.


You found it strange that you didn't remember him helping you last night, but realized you must have been barely conscious. You would need to repay him for taking care of you. You set out to do your morning chores and tried to think about what would be a good gift for Shane. You planted your assorted seeds and watered your potato plants, which were getting rather big. You barely knew Shane, so your gift ideas were limited. You finished your morning gardening and cut down a couple of small trees before heading inside to clean up for the day.

It was an overcast Saturday and the tiniest throb of pain still lingered in your head, making it a perfect day to relax. It was a little chilly for a Spring day, so you threw on a fair-isle pattern sweater and a pair of overalls. You slid on a pair of white skateboard-style sneakers, grabbed your pack, and headed into town.

You weren't sure what today would hold, but you thought it might be time to learn how to fish. The beach was your first destination and as you got there you could see the clouds stretching to the horizon and meeting the ocean line. As you walked towards the docks, you noticed a strange shell. The beach was covered in them, and you eagerly ran around picking them up, dusting them off, and throwing them into your bag. There seemed to be two types of shells, one blue and beautiful, the other gray and speckled.

"I see you're making the most of this hazy day." A voice said from behind you. You turned around to see Elliott walking towards you. "Typically I would remain inside my dilapidated cabin, but I saw you running about and thought I should see what you're up to." He sighed. "Collecting seashells used to be a passion of mine as well. My home is still decorated in them. Have you found any commodities?"

"Well, I've never collected shells before." You admitted. "I just saw these and thought they looked interesting." You pulled a handful of the shells from your bag.

"Ah, it appears you have stumbled upon some clam and oyster shells. You can sell them for a pretty penny, you know." The hale writer observed. "Well, I must be off. My novel won't write itself, unfortunately. Have a nice day, (Y/N). I enjoyed our conversation."

You began to wave goodbye to Elliott when you realized he might be able to help you think of a gift idea to repay Shane. "Wait, Elliott?"

"Yes?" He pivoted, turning back to face you.

"Do you know Shane?"

A puzzled look came over his face, but he quickly wiped it away before replying. "No, my apologies. May I ask why?"

You looked down at your feet, your face beginning to turn red. "Well, he did a really kind favor for me yesterday, and I would like to get him a present to thank him."

"Ah, well I see him every Friday when I frequent the Saloon. He seems to keep to himself, so I don't believe I've had the pleasure of introducing myself to him." He smiled at you as the blush started to wash away from your cheeks. "However, I'm sure his aunt, Marnie, would have plenty of suggestions. She lives in the Cindersap Forest, right along the river. I was planning to head that way to visit my friend, Leah, right about now anyway. Would you like me to walk you there?"

You nodded your acceptance and followed Elliott back to his cabin where he grabbed a few belongings to take with him. Then the two of you set off to the forest west of town. Elliott was significantly taller than you and the long red hair trailing down his back turned him into a beacon of color on a dismal day. You chatted about his novel, life on the farm, and what you both did before you moved to Stardew Valley. Before you had realized it, you were right outside Marnie's Ranch. You thanked Elliott and hurried inside.

You quietly knocked on the door as you entered, but you were loudly greeted by the welcoming rancher. "(Y/N)! How are you? What can I help you with today?"

"Well, I have a bit of a strange question." You looked at her as she nodded for you to go on. You took a deep breath, suddenly nervous. "Do you know what sort of things Shane likes? For...for a gift?"

"Oh, of course!" She smiled. "May I ask what it's for?"

"Shane did me a huge favor yesterday, and I would like to thank him if that's okay." You smiled slightly as the last words left your lips.

"That would be wonderful!" She was practically beaming from ear to ear. "Let me think...he loves beer, but that isn't a habit that I'm particularly fond of, I'm afraid. Especially with Jas around. She looks up to him so much." Her face turned somber as she trailed off, but she quickly looked back at you and returned to her usual cheery self. "He does like pepper poppers a great deal. Also, pizza with peppers and extra cheese is a favorite of his. Anything with hot peppers, really."

"Oh, that's perfect. Thank you so much, Marnie." You grinned. "Do you know where I could find him today?"

"Of course! And he should be at Pierre's getting groceries for me right now, but he will probably be finished and at the Saloon by the time you get to town." She smiled, opening the door for you as you stood up. "And if you go to the saloon, Gus and Emily will know exactly what he likes. Just tell them it's for Shane." You thanked her and left, hurrying back to town. You checked your watch and saw that it was nearly five in the afternoon as you climbed the steps to the Stardrop Saloon. 

 ✏️   A/N: Thank you so much for reading! I'm sorry this chapter is a little short, but I promise next week's chapter will be the longest yet. Speaking of next week, Chapter 6: As The Night Falls, will be published next Sunday, December 19, 2021. If you need something else to tide you over until then, please feel free to check out my new oneshots book! These short, independent stories feature Harvey from Stardew Valley and are written by me. Requests are open!! If you're interested, you can find them here: or by heading to my profile. Thanks so much and see you next week! xoxo Kira

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