Chapter 49: The Delicatessen Disagreement

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The snow had finally cleared up by Saturday and the farmhouse was running very low on groceries. Since winter began, and especially now that it had frosted and snowed, the farm wasn't producing any crops or products to eat. Even though it was still a bit nippy out, you and Shane needed to brave the cold and head down to Pierre's.

You tossed on your favorite fair isle knit sweater with a thick weatherproof jacket along with a beanie as Shane helped you lace up your winter boots. Once the two of you were finished getting ready, you headed out toward town through the ice and wind.

This would have been a generally miserable experience if it wasn't for the fact that Shane's arm was wrapped tightly around your waist the whole time, keeping you warm and hopeful as you tracked along the dirt path. It was taking most of your focus to attempt to avoid any icy patches on the road. You were occasionally clumsy - let's be honest - always clumsy, and you didn't want to embarrass yourself in front of your fiancé, though you knew he would just find it adorable. It didn't take much longer than normal to get to Pierre's General Store and you were more than excited to return to some warmth.

"Ah, Pelican Town's favorite newly engaged couple! How nice to see you both on such a chilly morning!" Pierre welcomed you into the shop with his signature jolly manner, eagerly waving you over to the counter. "Can I offer you both a complimentary cup of coffee? What are you looking for today? We just received a shipment of fine imported cheeses, if you're interested!"

"Coffee sounds wonderful! And you've peaked my attention with the imported cheese." You grinned as you and Shane each took a cup full. "We're just looking for the usual groceries. It's weird not depending on the farm."

"Yes, winters here do take some getting used to. My poor Caroline grew up in a much warmer climate, it took her years to adjust to the Valley's annual frost." He topped off each of your drinks. "I hope you'll adjust quickly - or better yet - you can spend plenty of time inside! I must say, the shop has been surprisingly busy despite the cold this morning!"

He was right, you could hear the buzz of customers mulling over items on shelves all around you. Your conversation quickly wrapped up and you refocused on the task at hand. Given the cold, Shane had called Marnie to see if he could pick up her weekly shopping so she could stay warm at home with Jas. She didn't hesitate to give him quite a lengthy list of groceries.

Shane handed you a comparatively short list and kept the long one for himself. "You get started with our groceries while I work on Marnie's. I'm not quite sure what she needs NINE pineapples for." He shook his head.

You just chuckled and grabbed a small basket to hold the goods. There was something oddly blissful about shopping here. It was so perfect and quaint, exactly what you had imagined farm life would be like. It was completely different from the JojaMart superstores you had grown up shopping in back home in Zuzu City. The fruits and vegetables here were somehow miraculously fresh whenever you stopped by and the warm baked goods filled the shop with a delicious scent as it mixed in the air with the wafting, robust, freshly brewed coffee smell. This, quite possibly, could be heaven.

Or hell. You turned down the wine aisle when you saw Elliott standing at the end. You tried to quickly back away before he could see you, but it was to no avail. "Oh, my dearest (Y/N), how are you this brisk morn?"

"Good." You replied, trying to slink back towards the main aisle, but Elliott matched your pace. "Just nonchalantly getting some groceries."

"I am, as well." He gestured to the array of luscious produce in his basket. "I try to eat as healthy as possible, it takes a lot of effort to keep up an attractive physique when I spend most of my day at my desk writing or deep in thought. Pierre's is the finest when looking for proper nutritional foods. I'm sure you know that already, though."

Shane X Female Reader - Stardew ValleyWhere stories live. Discover now