Chapter 41: Farm Chores

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"Good morning, chickpea." You felt Shane's beard against your face as he kissed your forehead. "I have to go to work, but I love you so much and I'll be home this evening."

"I love you too." You said groggily, reaching your arms to pull your boyfriend back into bed. "Cuddle me..."

Shane gently grabbed your hands and tucked them underneath the blankets. "I have to go to work, but I'll cuddle you all night tonight, I promise." He quickly kissed you again before leaving to go to work.

You wanted to go back to sleep, and you usually did when Shane goes to work, but sleep wasn't coming back to you. The earliest morning light was peaking through your windows, meaning that the storms burdening the Valley over the past few days were finally over. After quick deliberation, you decided to get up.

You had a lot of work to get done today on the farm, starting with bills. You sat at the kitchen table and rifled through the piles of letters you had, jotting down totals and prices. You didn't realize farming would involve so much math and meticulous accountancy when you first started.

It was hard to ignore the glaringly obvious need for a second worker on the farm as you reviewed expenses and earnings. Even if you made no profit this winter, hiring a second farmer would still put you ahead in the long run. You wanted that person to be Shane, but you didn't know how to ask again without facing the same rejection.

That was it. Your bills were paid and your ledgers were updated, meaning it was time to move on to the next task. However you didn't move, you just sat at your kitchen table, debating whether or not to ask Shane to work on the farm. You were pulled out of your thoughts by the phone ringing. You didn't know who could be calling, but nonetheless you picked up the line and answered. "Hello?"

"Hi, (Y/N)." Marnie's warm voice greeted you on the other end of the line. "Are you doing anything today?"

"Uh, not really." You replied.

"Great. I was wondering if you could do me a huge favor."

"Sure, what do you need?"

"Could you watch Jas for me today? I have to run up to Zuzu City for a couple of hours to get some supplies that didn't get delivered." You could hear the slight desperation in Marnie's voice.

While there were several things you had been hoping to accomplish on the farm today, you knew you couldn't say no. Marnie had done so much to help you and Shane out, not including all of the meals she had fed you over the past few months. Plus, it would be great to get some time alone with Jas to bond. She's such an important part of Shane's life and you weren't as close with her as you probably should be. "Sure, when should I come over?"

"Would it be easier if I bring her to you?" Marnie asked. "The farm is on my way and that way you might still be able to get some stuff done."

"That's a great plan." You were forever grateful for Marnie and her ability to see the big picture, which resulted in your life being a lot easier. "I'll see you soon." You hung up and quickly started cleaning up around the farmhouse.

Marnie and Jas arrived about thirty minutes later. "(Y/N)!" Jas screamed excitedly as she ran up to hug you.

"Hey Jazzy." You hugged her back. "I get to play with you today!"
"Yay!" She turned away from you only to hug Pepper, who was very interested in your new visitor. "Puppy!"
"This is Uncle Shane and Aunt (Y/N)'s dog." Marnie explained to her niece. You tried not to smile when Marnie called you 'Aunt (Y/N).' "You have to be gentle with him, just like the animals at home."

"Okay!" The little girl smiled, clearly not listening as she picked up the dog and squeezed it tightly. "What's his name?"

You gently released him from her grip. "His name is Pepper."

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