The Game Masters

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Yandere Fell X Classic


Yandere Horror X Lust

Request by: SaraUzumakiOfficial

Aqilah: This story is exactly the same as 4 Yandere in one story and the remake of the Puppeteer's Playhouse but this is two now and different but I hope you enjoy!


Classic and Lust woke in a place that they didn't know how did they end up there. They were luck that they help each other up and they will escape together no matter what.

They are trapped in a prison with some games to play. This prison has 3 games to play. If they won, they'll be free if they lost they'll become THEIR prisoners forever.

The first one is find the key to unlock, if they don't unlock it after 9 minutes, they'll going to get them. Classic and Lust begins to find the keys around the room. They have some puzzle to solve.

It took Classic for 4 minutes find the puzzle as he found the it inside the puzzle box. He quickly unlock the door and he is now free. Lust is still trap and couldn't still find it. "Don't worry Lust! I'll help you!" He told him as he used his key to unlock the door.

The door had been unlocked as Lust grabs his hand and pulled himself toward him. He hugs him and thanks for saving his life. The original Sans also glad that the door that Lust trapped is actually as his.

Now for game 2, Classic held his hand since Lust is scared as they pushed the door. The second one is jump over cross the board in the correct order.

The floor is like a checker but there is a creepy robot woman who is standing there from a far distance from them. If they step the wrong square. They'll fall down inside the hole.

"Black, Black." The robot woman told them. Classic jumped on the check what the woman told until his make him shocked. "Blue."

"There are no blue here!" Classic told her. "There are only black and white!" He shouted.

Lust looks on the ground and thought that robot had a malfunction. He jumps over the white one and he did not fall. He carried Classic up while following the woman order and made it.

Meanwhile, the game masters Fell and Horror are watching them passed the second game. Horror was impressed that his soon to be lover found out the malfunction robot.

The third one is escape the maze. There are also some robots wondering around there. They have to find the exit as fast as they could but they got caught they'll be screw up for sure.

After that game, they managed them to escape from those robots, they almost got caught at least they survived. Right now they have to face the final game.

The final one is they have to walk on a rope to across the other side of the edge. They were shocked that how long it is but they never give up. They keep going until they are free.

They managed to beat all of the game and that they finally escape but it was a trap. They are now in a cell again but with some dress to wear.

They walks toward there and looked at it. The reward of this game is getting married by them. Someone hug behind them to see it was Fell hugs Classic and Horror hugs Lust.

"You're mine now..." The yanderes said in unison. "And no one will steal you away from me."

After few years of torturing, Classic and Lust now having a family with their lovers. They now have a child with their own and need to be cautious about their husband so that their children won't end up the same way as their fathers.

The End

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