Chapter 18- Trip down memory lane

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"Incoming call from Ride or Die🥺🔗," Bunmi's phone voiced waking her up from her deep slumber.

"Hello," she answered trying to sit up.

"Babe don't tell me you are still asleep. It's one pm o!," Habiba bellowed.

"Wait are you serious?," Bunmi questioned finding it hard to believe. She quickly lowered the phone from her ear to check the time for herself.

"Wow! So I was out for most of the day. Wait!  The paternity test result is coming out today!," Bunmi said hitting her forehead with the palm of her hand.

"I forgot o," she mumbled.

"I know you did, that's why I called. Babe are you sitting or standing?," Habiba asked, all signs of playfulness disappearing completely from her voice.

"I'm sitting, what's up?"

"I collected the test results and....."

"And what Habiba talk now!"

"I knew you needed time for yourself after yesterday. You already have enough on your plate so I decided to help out."

Habiba instantly regretted her approach. She wondered how on earth she thought it was a good idea to insinuate that she knew the outcome of the test. Her jokes where always getting her in trouble and at a time like this, it was truly a low blow on her end. Unfortunately, it came out like reflex and she quickly thought of a way to fix it since she couldn't take it back.

"Habiba cut to the chase! Did you open it?"

"No, I was planning on bringing it over for you to do the honours"

"Okay, that sounds good. Omo I feel sick!"

"Don't worry, I'm on my way. Do you want me to get you anything?"

"Yes please. A tub of vanilla ice cream and Awara"

"Of course. No one comes between you and your Awara," Habiba joked.

"Ofcourse! Thanks boo. I'll be anticipating," Bunmi retorted with a sad smile.

"It'll be fine don't worry. I'll see you in a bit. Bye love," Habiba said in a bid to cheer her up.

"Bye," Bunmi replied before hanging up.

After hanging up, Bunmi could not stop thinking about the result as well as the multiple ways that it could play out. For a full ten seconds, she genuinely believed that her best friend had gone ahead to view the test result without waiting for her. Bunmi had even begun bracing herself for the news she was about to receive, somehow convincing herself that the outcome was not going to be good. However, Habiba's revelation cancelled her suspicion.
She quickly scolded herself for ever doubting her best friend before coming to the chilling conclusion that knowing the outcome of the test was the only cure for her apprehension.

Wanting to distract herself, Bunmi picked up her phone to give Sarah a call. She wanted her to instruct the chef to cook something for her but kept getting 'user busy' instead. Three consecutive calls later, the lady of the house decided to go downstairs and deal with the obstacle stopping her from having her food. Initially, the plan was to go straight to the maid quarters to look for Sarah but as she passed the kitchen, she noticed a silhouette.
"That's odd," she thought.

Retracing her steps, she peered through the thin gap between the door and the frame for a few seconds before getting hit with the realisation that the silhouette was actually Sarah speaking in hushed tones to somebody on the phone. Without hesitation, Bunmi decided to eavesdrop.

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