Chapter 2- OOGUN OWO (Money Ritual)

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"Abeggggg please please please Ajala," Damola begged his friend for almost three hours now.

"I will not be a part of this! Is this how desperate you have become Damola! Please change your mind before it is too late," Ajala said with disgust.

"It is my life. I choose how I want to live it and I am tired old friend just do this one thing for me that's all I ask," Damola pleaded.

After much persuasion and promises Ajala agreed, he changed the topic thinking if they didn't bring it up then no one would get hurt and Damola would forget. But he was wrong!

"Old boy how we go do am? (How are we going to do it?)," Damola spoke in pidgin to his friend Ajala.

"I'll take you to him but remember whatever happens after that, you are on your own o! I won't be able to help you," Ajala stated.

"No problem, at least you have finally agreed," the young adult beamed.

The duo walked for a long time until they came to what looked like a bush full of thorns.

"What if this is a wrong idea," Damola thought.

"I will not allow these thoughts to alter my destiny!," he said out loud.

They followed a narrow path full of weird idols made of clay adorned heavily with gold,silver and chalk.

Damola noticed that the atmosphere had suddenly become dark, full of evil tension making the hairs of his skin stand at attention. He wondered how come Ajala was unfazed by all these.

They finally reached a clearing and he could sight a small hut in the middle of it. It was so small he wondered if the Babalawo was a dwarf. As the got closer, he noticed a white circle around the hut and a calabash close to the tiny door. This all seemed like something out of storybook.

The atmosphere around him was making him agitated and he just wanted to get this over with. If he stayed to think for one more second he knew he would chicken out. Pushing all nerves back, he put his leg forward in an attempt to cross the white circle but Ajala held out his hand motioning for him to stop.

"I am Ajala Fonahanmi and this is my friend Damola Akanbi. I have brought him to you because he greatly needs your help, Oh great one," Ajala praised.

"Remove your shoes after saying 'Kanchi chuwalogbo Rube', enter with your left leg and drink the water in the calabash with your left hand," the ritualist instructed.

"Any small mistake might cost you your life so follow the instructions very carefully," The voice boomed. It sounded as if it was coming from behind them but they knew it was from within the hut and the power of the man they came to see.

They did exactly as he said and crouched down entering the hut.

If only Damola had caught a glimpse of the side effects of this big catastrophe that he was walking into, he would have ran the opposite direction immediately they reached the thorn bush.

But as fate would have it, he dived right into it; face first.

The Rise of Damolaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें