Chapter 26- Home Sweet Home

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Two weeks later,

Damola could not contain the excitement coursing through his veins, the moment the doctor declared Bunmi fit enough to go back home. She was getting discharged today.

The tycoon couldn't help but mutter, "At least she will finally rest from all the prying eyes."

Ever since the word got out that Bunmi had woken up from the seven month coma, there had been a sudden influx of visitors trooping in from far and wide just to see her. Although, a week later, the number had significantly dropped to only about ten people per day, which appeared to have become the new standard. And so the reason behind Damola's shocked expression when he came out of Bunmi's room during the early hours of the morning to find a waiting room full of visitors.

How they managed to bypass the hospital staff and the extra security he had put in place was beyond him. There and then, the mogul came to terms with the bitter fact that there was no stopping these people no matter what he tried because apparently, they regarded his wife as a living miracle. Most people did not believe she would make it hence, the zeal to see her and confirm for themselves continued unabated.

Damola could not understand the whole 'seeing is believing fuss' but he tried to not dwell on it too much. He was just thankful that his darling wife had pulled through. Moreover, he did not know what he would have done had she not persevered. Thus, in honor of her strong spirit, he decided to throw a homecoming party. The only problem was that he needed help planning it, "But who?" he wondered.

"Habiba," he said with a note of relief. However, there was only one problem.

She hated his guts or so he thought.

Damola did not know what he had done to offend her but he was certain about the detail he had tried ignoring from the beginning.

Initially, when he started dating Bunmi, they had met a few times and on every single occasion, she never seemed to enjoy being in the same space as him. It was always curt replies and forced smiles. At first, he played it off as her being a shy person but now, he realized that she just does not like him.

Nevertheless, he decided to push his thoughts aside and reach out to her. He had to after all, for Bunmi.

In spite of the fact that Bunmi had fallen ill, one would have thought that then Habiba would stop giving him a cold attitude rather, her behaviour toward him only got worse. Well, not until he brought up the party.

Damola had contacted Habiba to assist him in organizing it and surprisingly, she enthusiastically said "Yes."

They began preparing for it almost immediately. Damola kept emphasizing the need for every detail to be perfect. He even went as far as hiring an event planner and putting Habiba in charge of inviting Bunmi's friends. The goal was perfection and no expense was spared. Hand in hand, the three of them worked to make Damola's vision come true.


It was finally time to go. Damola was called to the reception to sign some documents after which, he quickly checked on Folake to say goodbye before ultimately taking Bunmi from the place she had called home for the last seven months.

"Okay, darling, are there any places you'd like to visit before we head home?" He said as he helped her into the car.

"Is that ice cream parlor close to Coldra still open?" She says turning to watch him as he went over to his side.

"Yes it is," Damola answered as he settled in, putting on his seatbelt before helping his wife with hers.

"Please let's go there!" She beamed.

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