Chapter 13- Aftermath of the storm

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"Ahhh!," the priest cried as the bullet hit him in the leg. He had jumped in front of Bunmi immediately he saw the intruder raise his gun.

Bunmi needed to act fast. She quickly removed her veil and secured it around the priest's leg before applying pressure on the wounded. A few of the groomsmen rushed towards the injured pastor and proceeded to lift him up making a beeline for the car waiting at the entrance to take him to the nearest hospital.

Meanwhile, Damola had tackled Taiwo to the ground. They were both fighting for the gun. Taiwo threw a punch at Damola and it hit him right on his nose. Damola swung back, serving his opponent an uppercut which resulted in Taiwo dropping to the floor. Taiwo tried to stand up but Damola swiftly delivered a leg hook; making Taiwo's face come in contact with the floor once more. The fall caused the latter to drop the gun and it lay just a few meters away from the battling duo.

Damola thrusted his leg forward in an attempt to kick the gun further away when Taiwo lunged for his leg, causing him to lose his footing. They were both parallel to each other on the floor and the gun was perpendicular to them. With an equal distance separating them from it, they both charged forward hoping to get to it faster than the other.

As they were crawling towards it, Dayo; one of Damola's groomsmen intercepted the duo and grabbed the gun from the floor bringing a halt to their race to kill one another. Once Damola caught sight of the gun in better hands, he leapt on top of Taiwo, straddling him before unleashing all his anger and frustration in form of blows and punches.

Soon after, the bouncers along with policemen came to tame the situation. They pulled Damola away from Taiwo before whisking the intruder away.

The hall was in a frenzy. Some guests had rushed outside as soon as the heard the gunshot while some were still holding up their phones and recording.

"This is truly the wedding of the century!," a teenage girl cackled as she stood up, earning a few glares from the aunties.
Mirabel's POV

I was seated calmly watching the whole thing unfold. I did not bother moving an inch since Taiwo's dramatic entrance. After all, this was my plan all along and it was only fair if I got a front row seat to view the action.

How dare you Damola think of marrying my older sister. Why did she have to get everything? She had the money, the business, the husband, the curves. Hell, she was mum and dad's favorite for crying out loud. And I am the one who got disowned for one stupid mistake. I will show them all.

After I resigned from my job at the hotel, I came back home immediately. My time with Damola was a wake up call that made me realize more than ever that I was lonely. I had no money, no family, no real friends, I had nothing. I knew I needed to fix my life and so, I went back to the place where it all started, home. I went down on my knee and begged Mummy and Daddy to take me back but they refused. I cried and cried but to no avail which made me turn to Bunmi to talk to them, but she too was on their side as expected.

Running out of options, I confided in my dearest elder sister about my financial situation as I didn't have a single kobo at the time and she gave me #50,000. How dare she!, the heiress to a multimillion dollar empire giving her own blood sister that chicken change. I took the money and pretended to be happy but deep down, it only made me detest her even more.

We kept in touch in a twisted way, if you would consider the usual money requests and her forcing me to tell her about my shitty life while she gushed about her perfect world. Unfortunately for her, she let it slip that her marriage with Taiwo had been called off and I was ecstatic. Of course, I feigned empathy and told her a better one was going to come her way but that was the opposite of what I was thinking. I was happy. Finally, she could feel what it was like to not have something your way. As usual, luck was on her side and less than two weeks later there was another man that was ready to marry her. I hoped to the heavens that it was the absolute worse version of Taiwo and kept my fingers crossed while I fished for more information.

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